Shattered goose egg

Meri Maura

May 2024 bring less misery 🥂
Feb 6, 2021
the BYC underground
My Coop
My Coop
Hey guys, it's been quite a while since I posted but a have an emergency.

We have some wild geese that live on our property and lately a couple of them have gone broody and have a couple of eggs. They are nesting in some plants by the entrance to our property, on soil.

A couple days ago, however, our dog found one of the eggs and took it from the nest. When we noticed she had the egg, she dropped it onto the concrete ground, cracking it all over and Even cracking off a chunk of shell. But, the membrane is still completely intact. We candled the egg, and we saw a large air sac and the rest of the egg was black inside.

My mom has the egg in her bra, and it has been there 3 days now. She checks on it frequently and reports that she can see it moving/breathing.

Do you guys have any opinions, advice, know how far along it is, or how to care for if it survives? I have never had geese so I don't really know much about them.
Do you by any chance have a heated blanket? I hatched my latest duckling inside a cardboard box on top of an electric blanket.

I had another that had a crack that sadly didn’t make it but it wasn’t as far along as your egg from what it sounds like.

@Miss Lydia @FoodFreedomNow @BirdsBeesTrees @Jenbirdee @oldhenlikesdogs do you have any advice on MacGyvering emergency incubators?
Here’s some helpful links

Post in thread 'White crested duck incubation day 27 help please...'
This is for duck eggs so disregard the number of days, geese are a bit longer, but the developmental stages with the rate of draw down can give you an idea of how far along your goose egg is at.

Here’s an article about incubation.

Here’s an article about waterfowl incubation.
I didn't see these posts until now, but the chick has started peeping and has cracked the egg. It frequently peeps but hasn't hatched yet. We don't know what to do with it when it does, there is a broody goose with eggs but this egg is not from her clutch so we don't know when hers will hatch.
The beginning of the post it said you thought it was a wild bird egg if I read that right. If it is you should call parks and wildlife. If its a domestic goose find a lamp with a old fashioned light bulb that throws out heat or a electric blanket or heating pad. Keep it warm but let it get out of the heat if it needs to. Large rubber tote works. It will not want to eat or drink for about 24 hours so dont rush it. Gives you plenty of time to get to the feed store and get some flock raiser or quality crumble. A good first nible of food for the baby is hard boiled egg yolk.
I didn't see these posts until now, but the chick has started peeping and has cracked the egg. It frequently peeps but hasn't hatched yet. We don't know what to do with it when it does, there is a broody goose with eggs but this egg is not from her clutch so we don't know when hers will hatch.
You could call a waterfowl rehabber. They can take the gosling and prepare it for a life in the wild

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