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  1. fluffycrow

    BYC Member Interview - fluffycrow

    Playing the "I can neither deny nor confirm" card, huh :p ?
  2. fluffycrow

    BYC Member Interview - fluffycrow

    Thank you so much! The pictures don't do the birds justice, my phone camera is terrible :lau
  3. fluffycrow

    BYC Member Interview - fluffycrow

    It's been 35 minutes and I still don't see a thread from you saying you ordered a dozen serama eggs :p
  4. fluffycrow

    BYC Member Interview - fluffycrow

    Thank you so much! I think so too, but I'm very biased :love
  5. fluffycrow

    BYC Member Interview - fluffycrow

    You better! Or else I'll have mine fly and deliver their young at your doorstep just like storks!
  6. fluffycrow

    BYC Member Interview - fluffycrow

    This is an accurate representation of what it's like to have serama :p . They can FLY!
  7. fluffycrow

    BYC Member Interview - fluffycrow

    Yes! Her crest is adorable❤️! Maybe her kids will reveal some things. If all goes well, she has some of her own eggs that could hatch. The father is Lady Gaga
  8. fluffycrow

    BYC Member Interview - fluffycrow

    Thank you! I have no clue what breed she is, I've tried to find out multiple times, with no success
  9. fluffycrow

    BYC Member Interview - fluffycrow

    Realistically, it'll probably sound more like "come here idiots!"
  10. fluffycrow

    BYC Member Interview - fluffycrow

    Nope! Only Heartbreak-her. Most of their parents are also unnamed
  11. fluffycrow

    BYC Member Interview - fluffycrow

    Yup, chickens:rolleyes:! At least I got what I wanted though. A not black and white cockerel
  12. fluffycrow

    BYC Member Interview - fluffycrow

    Thank you. Remember the girl? She's the one we said was for sure a cockerel :lau
  13. fluffycrow

    BYC Member Interview - fluffycrow

    Oh, and don't give Big Red too many compliments. It'll go to his head and he won't grow a tail ever again. I'll be stuck with a dumpster aseel:p
  14. fluffycrow

    BYC Member Interview - fluffycrow

    Try it, and post the results;)
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