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  1. TheFugitivePen

    Rooster and flock members targeting one hen

    Your poor hen! I'm so glad she made it! We are definitely approaching this with caution. The aggression towards her the other day was unlike anything I've ever seen in my small flock, and it unnerved me. Thank you for your warning and advice!
  2. TheFugitivePen

    Rooster and flock members targeting one hen

    He's an Easter Egger. He has a beard, so I know he has Americauna in his bloodline somewhere. We've never owned a rooster before, so we have been keeping a close eye on him for any issues. Because he's younger than a majority of our hens, they taught him some manners. He's not shown any...
  3. TheFugitivePen

    Rooster and flock members targeting one hen

    Her feathers are definitely looking much better but she still has pin feathers in places, so we are keeping her in isolation. She seems very content alone at the moment, and she is VISIBLY stressed when around the rest of the flock, so we are limiting contact and keeping an eye on her during her...
  4. TheFugitivePen

    Rooster and flock members targeting one hen

    If we remove the rooster, will the other hens stop attacking her? Would we be able to reintegrate her? Or is she permanently ousted from the flock?
  5. TheFugitivePen

    Rooster and flock members targeting one hen

    Initially, I wondered if she was he because her wattles were HUGE compared to the other hens, but she's over a year old and we've caught her in the act of laying (she's one of our best layers). So she's definitely a hen :)
  6. TheFugitivePen

    Rooster and flock members targeting one hen

    That's what I'm afraid of. Initially, it wasn't a problem because none of the hens accepted his advances. They all refused him or body-slammed him off of unhappy hens he pounced on. Recently, all of the hens have accepted him EXCEPT this one hen. And I know that one of the pullets chasing...
  7. TheFugitivePen

    Rooster and flock members targeting one hen

    This summer, we ordered four chicks and received an additional surprise cockerel. Our new pullets and cockerel are now seven months old and integrated with our existing flock of one-year-old Black Australorps. One of our more dominant hens never warmed up to our cockerel. She adamantly refuses...
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