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  1. C


    Look up no crow collars homemade with velcrow wire tie things. I hear they help. They sont stop the crowing but they stop the freqency and loudness of them. I plan on doing that plus a roo box as well. I also heard just bringing them in at night and putting them in the garage helps. If the city...
  2. C


    I had to tske in 2 of 3 of my roos. The 3rd i suspect is one vut cant prove which is the culprit. I did what any crazy chicken lady would do. Stock piled eggs to incubate. Was going to do the 48. But decided 21 was enoguh.i hate not having a roo. Feels like idont have chickens. Did you know roos...
  3. C


    Id offer to take the roos but my neighbors turned me in to code enforcemnt on having my roos. And they tried telling code enforcement i have more than 50 chickens. Psh i have under 30 adults. And 12 teens. 3 chicks. So not over 50. And 3 i have to rehome as there roos. Didnt plan for them but it...
  4. C


    I got the dreaded notice. I want to fight to keep my roo. My neighbors dogs can bark all night long but i cant have a roo? There has to be a way to keep him. My heads gonna expload from googling. If i have to pay for some breeders licence or aomething i will. Anyone have ideas? I dont want to...
  5. C


    Ive taken quite a few to him. One i had grown really attached to he made me feel at ease he goes i have a woman looking for this breed! I knew my cruella devil was going to a good home.
  6. C


    Dont know how far it is fro you but it either wes feed or petes feed in el monte youd have to google it. They take roos as donatioms and give you a bag of feed for them. Then rehome them. They make sure they wont be eaten or fought. We jave taken a few to them ove the years.
  7. C


    Its eggciting to get the first egg! I have crested cream legbars in my incubator they will b at day 7 tonight. They cant hatch soon enough. Im debating what i want to hatch next.
  8. C


    Talk to them all tell them before you go threw if they dont answer levaeba note explian what they mean to you. Tell them you plan to apply and would love there support.
  9. C


    I put them all under her just in case and will later candle them or just wait to hatch. What are the chances of the chiped one hatching? This is her. I also have a funny story. While cleaning the backyard yesterday i found a baby snake. Some might remember my previous storty so heres my new...
  10. C


    So i got a good deal on ccl (crest cream legbar) eggs. Most i know look good as i see air pockets (turns out having tortises lay eggs as a kid taught me alot about eggs) anyways there are 3 ccl eggs that are in question. I dont see air pockets. And then the guy gave me an olive egger from a ccl...
  11. C


    Yeah i dont have the heart to cull any chickens.
  12. C


    Legally no i cant have roos. But it doesnt stop me. Animal control cant do there job about the agressive dog next door or the backyard breeders accross the street. I called 3 years ago in august abiut the neighbors dog and them tying one up in there front yard that was dirty and matted. They...
  13. C


    I believe its this one.
  14. C


    Shes already broody. I wontget them till the end of the month. I have an incubator. Ive heard mixed reviews on it.
  15. C


    Question if i order these eggs do you think my grey andilusian can sit on them all? And if i do would anyone in here want any? I probably wouldnt keep more than 3. He says hes been having a very sucessful hatch rate...
  16. C


    And yes if theres a big enough gap for the chickens to stick there heads out the hawks will tease them until they do and then grab there necks. My bantams were in the dog pen but there heads and neck were on the outside when it killed them. Still intact just a broken neck or punctured.
  17. C


    I saw a really neat idea for shade. Its pvc pipe and a shower curtain. Im like HEY i can use that as a top for my chicken pen. That or tarps or one im concidering is that camo cargo netting. Its too expencive to put actualy fencing over the top. Were a one income household right now threw my...
  18. C


    The one my aunt jumped over as a kid (the rattler not the hawk lmao she didnt see the rattler until she was coming back) my grandpa taught it a lesson for coming so close to my aunt. He chopped it with an ax. And then hung the rattle above the kitchen sink as a warning for others. It worked like...
  19. C


    How come there not a threat to chickens? We havnt had a rattler around here since my aunt was a kid (shes 9 years older than me) she was a suprise to my grandparents when grandma was in her late 40s. Anywayd im sure there around but i havnt physically seen them
  20. C


    I have one that looks like this. Shes fine. Idk what causes it.
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