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  1. Evadig

    Killing our Duck today 💔

    This hatchery says they have Welsh Harlequin ducklings shipping now and the minimum order is one duckling…but I would definitely suggest getting two so they can grow up together. Disclaimer: I know nothing about this hatchery :)
  2. Evadig

    Killing our Duck today 💔

    Most feed stores only sell Peking or Khaki Campbells or sometimes Swedish…I’ve never seen Welsh Harlequin but then again I’ve not been to every feed store! :D
  3. Evadig

    Killing our Duck today 💔

    Murray McMurray But you have to get three
  4. Evadig

    Killing our Duck today 💔

    Welsh Harlequins can be sexed with 90+ % accuracy
  5. Evadig

    Killing our Duck today 💔

    I am sorry you are having to go through this! :hugsDo you have another duck available for your hen? She will be lonely without a companion... Perhaps you could set up a pen with netting for the two to roam in during the day?
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