Killing our Duck today 💔


Dec 3, 2023
Howdy everyone,
So I’m struggling with this but we’ve decided to kill our Mallard Duck. Lately he’s getting super aggressive with one of our Chicken hens. He won’t let her near their water to drink he’ll chase her around if she gets near it. Not sure if he’s trying to mate with her or just trying to show dominance but it’s getting to where I’m keeping him separated with his female duck today anytime I’ve let the hens near him he try’s to attack our Rhode Island so we decided to kill him. It’ll be my first time and I’m super anxious of course never had to kill an animal before especially one I’ve raised. I knew this day would come because I have heard that mallards can start going after hens (chickens) for matting purposes and of course they can kill em in the process. We do have a duck rescue in Michigan but it’s a 2 1/2 hours away from us. This sucks but idk what else to do. Anyone had to kill your own chicken or duck? 😭
Howdy everyone,
So I’m struggling with this but we’ve decided to kill our Mallard Duck. Lately he’s getting super aggressive with one of our Chicken hens. He won’t let her near their water to drink he’ll chase her around if she gets near it. Not sure if he’s trying to mate with her or just trying to show dominance but it’s getting to where I’m keeping him separated with his female duck today anytime I’ve let the hens near him he try’s to attack our Rhode Island so we decided to kill him. It’ll be my first time and I’m super anxious of course never had to kill an animal before especially one I’ve raised. I knew this day would come because I have heard that mallards can start going after hens (chickens) for matting purposes and of course they can kill em in the process. We do have a duck rescue in Michigan but it’s a 2 1/2 hours away from us. This sucks but idk what else to do. Anyone had to kill your own chicken or duck? 😭
I'm so sorry. Ducks can get pretty aggressive when they're hormonal. I've only raised one so far, and have been blessed with not having to dispatch any of the animals I've raised. Is there no way to just keep your drake with his hen? It's best to not mix drakes in with chickens for this very reason. If there isn't any other way, just remember that you're doing this to protect your girls... :hugs
I am sorry you are having to go through this! :hugsDo you have another duck available for your hen? She will be lonely without a companion... Perhaps you could set up a pen with netting for the two to roam in during the day?
I'm so sorry. Ducks can get pretty aggressive when they're hormonal. I've only raised one so far, and have been blessed with not having to dispatch any of the animals I've raised. Is there no way to just keep your drake with his hen? It's best to not mix drakes in with chickens for this very reason. If there isn't any other way, just remember that you're doing this to protect your girls... :hugs
Yea I’m better now we did end up killing him my husband did it thankfully. My female duck is acting weird now I feel so bad for her but she’ll be ok eventually😭
I am sorry you are having to go through this! :hugsDo you have another duck available for your hen? She will be lonely without a companion... Perhaps you could set up a pen with netting for the two to roam in during the day?
I would love to get her a female companion but when their ducklings there’s no way to know if they’re female or male so I don’t want to risk it unless someone is trying to rehome a female near us.
I would love to get her a female companion but when their ducklings there’s no way to know if they’re female or male so I don’t want to risk it unless someone is trying to rehome a female near us.
Welsh Harlequins can be sexed with 90+ % accuracy

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