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  1. SolarDuck

    Soft egg binding

    After feeling her lump down there today it honestly doesn't even really feel like an egg anymore. If there is an egg in there it is definitely smaller than average it doesn't feel super distinct in there like it dod a few days ago I'm thinking maybe there is just some of those weird pieces I was...
  2. SolarDuck

    Soft egg binding

    Yeah it's just a small neighborhood road only people that live there go by but they were literally all just sitting smack dab in the middle of the road when I got there but momma started moving them as soon as she saw me coming, I see them all around here in neighborhoods with ducklings but...
  3. SolarDuck

    Soft egg binding

    Nothing to update yet she is doing about the same and no egg yet, but on the bright side here is a little vid of a muscovy Mom with 21 ducklings I just saw while dropping off an uber eats order
  4. SolarDuck

    Soft egg binding

    Okay so it's still not out yet but she is looking good and still trying. Not sure if she is eating them and pooping them out, or just moving them, but I'm finding a little pile of the oyster shells in her pool every morning. I just called the vet to reschedule her appointment my bills are...
  5. SolarDuck

    Soft egg binding

    Found a couple very small soft eggshell pieces in the pool but no other evidence of an egg today. She visibly looks better really her bloating is looking the same as the other ducks that are laying now, and it feels like there is just one small egg in there. At this point I'm pretty confident...
  6. SolarDuck

    Soft egg binding

    Okay I just gave her a second calcium dose with the metacam before putting them away for the night. Also I want to say I tried this new brand of oyster shell and highly reccomend them. I've never had much luck getting my girls to eat the white or gray types of oyster shell so I've always just...
  7. SolarDuck

    Soft egg binding

    Every morning
  8. SolarDuck

    Soft egg binding

    She was in there a little more than a half hour, she was definitely trying but no egg yet, she was in there trying for far longer than she has so far though
  9. SolarDuck

    Soft egg binding

    Been in there about 20 minutes now and still isn't trying to jump out. I hear her moving around a bit and heavy breathing every once and awhile so it sounds like she is trying in there
  10. SolarDuck

    Soft egg binding

    I've got her in a warm bath now and she has been in there for 10 minutes and isn't trying to jump out which is a first. Every other time I've put her in she lasts about 5 min before trying to jump out. I'm just sitting outside of the bathroom listening and letting her do her work in private...
  11. SolarDuck

    Soft egg binding

    I'm glad you agree, now I just really hope she gets the other one out before Wednesday. I do have the money for the vet but I really have a lot of other things it would be extremely helpful to go to.
  12. SolarDuck

    Soft egg binding

    Okay so yesterday and today when feeling her I thought she felt s little less bloated down there but I dismissed it because I didn't see any evidence of an egg anywhere, but when putting them away just now I found this thing that really resembles a dried out soft egg shell. It's about the right...
  13. SolarDuck

    Soft egg binding

    Everything going pretty much the same she is acting the same and looking the same, I've almost got enough money for the vet I definirely will by the time of her appointment on Wednesday
  14. SolarDuck

    Soft egg binding

    Still no egg, but she seemed to be feeling very good today. Lots of energy lots of splashing in the pool, preening, and foraging. Shocking considering the egg situation but I'm proud of her. I just put them all away for the night and she went right and jumped up on top of this cinderblock perch...
  15. SolarDuck

    Soft egg binding

    Pipsqueak and Puffin were so cute trying to go broody on one of Puffin's eggs this morning. Penguin and Karen can be such little shits to her but Puffin is always her best friend every time I let them out in the morning they are always sitting right next to each other. Pipsqueak is such a...
  16. SolarDuck

    Soft egg binding

    Still eating, drinking, and pooping, but definitely sitting down by herself and trying to push out her egg more
  17. SolarDuck

    Soft egg binding

    Also I did ask the vet about what rhe little white Gelatinous pieces were and they said most likely just malformed egg pieces which is what I assumed. My hypothesis is they are the reason she is having so much trouble pushing the big eggs out. When the vet said she dislodged one of the eggs from...
  18. SolarDuck

    Soft egg binding

    I know my vet takes awhile to get in so I just called them and made an appointment for next Wednesday to get the eggs removed. Hopefully she will push them out before them because it will be extremely hard for me to afford it but I figured it's best to make the appointment sooner than later.
  19. SolarDuck

    Soft egg binding

    Perhaps she just meant it will help with the pain of the contractions, yes still doing the cal glu. Actually not positive what they are she said they were abnormal I didn't think to ask what they were but they should call me back today or tomorrow to check in so I will ask then. For now yes she...
  20. SolarDuck

    Soft egg binding

    Also her poop is looking very separated
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