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  1. NatJ

    Things I don't feed my chickens😊

    I can't see any problem either, if it is just tossed in the pen and they are free to eat it or not. I have not really seen chickens eat citrus peels, but I think I have seen them eat the inside parts. I haven't paid very careful attention to which parts they do or do not eat, but I certainly...
  2. NatJ

    Things I don't feed my chickens😊

    Are the offspring fertile? As in, can those offspring produce babies of their own? I think horses and donkeys have always been considered separate species, ever since the concept of species was around at all. And it has been known for thousands of years that donkey x horse produces a mule...
  3. NatJ

    Things I don't feed my chickens😊

    Again, some things will be more applicable than others, but in most cases broiler chicken studies will be more useful than cattle or pig studies. Since there are usually no studies on chickens kept in typical backyard flocks, the broiler studies provide more information than the "none" and "a...
  4. NatJ

    Things I don't feed my chickens😊

    I think it would depend on what information you are trying to find. If you want to know what foods will kill a chicken, and what foods will cause major harm to a chicken, and what foods appear safe for a chicken, I think the broiler studies should be just fine. They will be much more useful...
  5. NatJ

    Things I don't feed my chickens😊

    Sometimes cooks nibble as they work. Or children try things. I've also read that bean sprouts can be an issue (people are used to being able to eat sprouts raw), and that slow cookers can sometimes get beans soft and "cooked" without getting hot enough to destroy the toxins. Here's one example...
  6. NatJ

    Things I don't feed my chickens😊

    The dryness is not a problem, any more than dry grains are a problem. The issue is with beans that have not been cooked. Cooked is fine, whether they are wet or dry, but raw is not. Raw beans have a toxin that is destroyed by the heat of cooking. It affects people too, except that we usually...
  7. NatJ

    Things I don't feed my chickens😊

    Yes, the meat of the avocado is safe for chickens to eat. If you slice an avocado in half and offer it to the chickens, they will eat the meat and leave the seed and peel-- smart of them! (Then again, I'll bet the peel doesn't taste good, and the seed is big and hard, so maybe they don't have...
  8. NatJ

    Things I don't feed my chickens😊

    I would not worry about the rhubarb plant unless the chickens are shut in a pen with that plant and nothing else to eat. As long as there are plenty of other things to eat, the chickens will probably not eat enough rhubarb to hurt themselves-- either they will ignore it, or they will sample a...
  9. NatJ

    Things I don't feed my chickens😊

    I agree, too much salt is bad. This is just plain wrong. Some salt IS found in what chickens normally eat. Go read the label on any bag of chicken food. Or read articles about the bad things that happen when chickens do not get enough salt. Here is an example from the University of Maine...
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