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  1. greginshasta

    Need a simple plan please

    Quote: You should see me barking at tweety when she comes up with an *idea*. That thread this week where the gal asked everyone to show pictures of their coops was interesting. So many styles and approaches. Then I think about building something every so beautiful only to have the birds poop...
  2. greginshasta

    Need a simple plan please

    Quote: Nothing yet. Like I say - the big problem at the moment is my workload. Projects are coming out of the woodwork and I keep praying that a suitable shed turns up on Craigslist that I can just go pick up. I have 2 web projects to wrap up and I can get back outside and make some...
  3. greginshasta

    Need a simple plan please

    Quote: Not really, at least none that I am aware of.
  4. greginshasta

    Need a simple plan please

    Quote: Very clever on a limited budget. What are the walls made from?
  5. greginshasta

    Need a simple plan please

    Quote: Those prices seem comparable to what I am seeing around here. That salt box style is so cool - I really like it.
  6. greginshasta

    Need a simple plan please

    Quote: Arghhh! Shreek! I don't think so. They are our buddies! How could you sell family members? Hey, a motivating factor of our getting chickens is that the neighbor has some and we have been helping care for them. They just started laying this week - woo hoo! I was in their coop...
  7. greginshasta

    Need a simple plan please

    Quote: I have the building skills - and the tools. It's really a matter of time Mac, and to an extent the cash. I've been ignoring client work (I do web development) as much as possible all summer and it's catching up with me. If I don't get some projects done before long, I'll have a...
  8. greginshasta

    Need a simple plan please

    Quote: No need to appologize. The whole idea of the thread is to kick around ideas, but ya, I've been looking at the shed and while it's still a possibility - I'm looking at alternatives. I don't know if I'm going to allow the birds to free range. We are on an unfenced acre in an area where...
  9. greginshasta

    Need a simple plan please

    Quote: I've been doing extensive research on exactly that for a few weeks now. I can't see simply building or purchasing a shed that meets the 40 s.f. needs of 10 birds, thus I would be inclined to go larger - and section off a portion for garden and chicken supplies storage. As needed in...
  10. greginshasta

    Need a simple plan please

    Quote: I couldn't agree more. Sounds like a real hassle.
  11. greginshasta

    Need a simple plan please

    Quote: I thought you wanted something that YOU could get insied and clean, I would think 6 foot would be the short side, but if you want to get in on hand and knees, or just rake/hoe it to clean it out you could definatly get away with a 5 ft on one side and 3 feet on other, and still have...
  12. greginshasta

    Need a simple plan please

    Quote: Quote: Common to both of your replies, it seems that you are suggesting a tall structure. If I were going to conserve materials and time by building something that doesn't accomodate a large door, instead simply hinging an access panel for cleaning, etc.? Is there a rule of thumb as...
  13. greginshasta

    Need a simple plan please

    Quote: Gosh - I read that first line and thought I was gonna get yelled at! lol
  14. greginshasta

    Need a simple plan please

    I feel like a broken record, as I have knocked around this topic in other posts, but here I go again. Now that the Buckaroo coop is not going to happen, I need to come up with a solution for the coming winter. Sigh... I have made my way through most of the old posts and bookmarked several...
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