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  1. Crazy4mypeeps

    Nebraskans Speak Up!!! NEBRASKA ROCKS!!

    I'm going to mark my calendar right now. And then I'm going to program it in my phone. LOL
  2. Crazy4mypeeps

    Nebraskans Speak Up!!! NEBRASKA ROCKS!!

    I'm just outside of Fremont by the river on a small lake. If I had my druthers, I'd be on the OTHER side of the bridge with an acreage. LOL I'm going to look over my emails and see what I can find for information. I'm just sure that I have it somewhere. I just have to get the light bulb...
  3. Crazy4mypeeps

    Nebraskans Speak Up!!! NEBRASKA ROCKS!!

    Yeah, I'm kicking myself for not saving his number. But we were in the middle of a kitchen remodel at the time and my brain was fried as it was. LOL If I see him again, I will get his information. I'm sure that I will run into him at some point. Edit: So are yours a breeding pair then?
  4. Crazy4mypeeps

    Nebraskans Speak Up!!! NEBRASKA ROCKS!!

    Yeah, what's really sad, is I didn't save his information, either. He works here in town. I'm thinking his first name was Gary, but I could be way off. LOL I could drive right to his place, very easy to find.
  5. Crazy4mypeeps

    Nebraskans Speak Up!!! NEBRASKA ROCKS!!

    No, I don't have a roo. I got them from a gentleman in Hooper. Just a few miles north of us. When I got there, I was only going to bring 3 home. Ha! Well, when I saw them, I was drooling, because they were just so pretty that I had to have them all. And he gave me the little Buckeye...
  6. Crazy4mypeeps

    Nebraskans Speak Up!!! NEBRASKA ROCKS!!

    They are the large fowl. I need to get new pictures of them, they are so pretty. This is when I first brought them home and they were just starting to get their tail feathers in. Here they are enjoying the nest boxes together. There are two of my girls in the top one. LOL
  7. Crazy4mypeeps

    Nebraskans Speak Up!!! NEBRASKA ROCKS!!

    I missed it again this year. I was once again sick with the garbage going around. And I so wanted to go. I'm starting to wonder if me being sick during the show is some kind of Divine intervention of some sorts to keep me from suffering from chicken math. Anyway, how's everyone enjoying...
  8. Crazy4mypeeps

    Nebraskans Speak Up!!! NEBRASKA ROCKS!!

    I'm in Fremont, so we are not far from each other, Gilavina. Planning on the Scribner show here, since I missed the November show. Yup, I think we need to get rowdy up in here, let people know we are here. LOL Its a beautiful day here already, so I'm planning on doing more work on the...
  9. Crazy4mypeeps

    Nebraskans Speak Up!!! NEBRASKA ROCKS!!

    Wow, us Nebraskan's are a rowdy bunch, aren't we? LOL How's everyone doing? Just checking in. Had a great winter here. Only one of my girls got sick, and had to medicate her. Other than that, its been so mild that I'm grateful, since it was my first winter.
  10. Crazy4mypeeps

    Nebraskans Speak Up!!! NEBRASKA ROCKS!!

    Quote: I was sicker than a dog. I'm so disappointed that I had to miss it. Barely could get out of bed.
  11. Crazy4mypeeps

    Nebraskans Speak Up!!! NEBRASKA ROCKS!!

    Quote: Even the hubby is excited to go. So we are both anxious about it. LOL Quote: Shell You can expect milder winters where you are. The cut off line seems to be about Grand Island for some reason. LOL I used to live close to Ogallala, and the winters out there were so much more...
  12. Crazy4mypeeps

    Nebraskans Speak Up!!! NEBRASKA ROCKS!!

    Thought I'd update a bit. I've been frantically working on the coop getting it ready for winter. Hinged all the windows and got them installed, made the exterior nest box and got it attached to the coop. (have to put the siding back on yet) and sealed up all the areas that would cause drafts...
  13. Crazy4mypeeps

    Nebraskans Speak Up!!! NEBRASKA ROCKS!!

    Quote: Wow, that's awesome! Back to your roots, so to speak. My dad was a farmer, but by the time I was born, they had moved to town, and he started his own TV repair shop, and farming supplemented his income. So I got the farming part, but not the livestock or poultry experience. My...
  14. Crazy4mypeeps

    Nebraskans Speak Up!!! NEBRASKA ROCKS!!

    Quote: Honestly I've wanted a Frizzle since I first joined this forum. LOL I know its not a breed, I just think that they are so adorable. But I kind of like unusual animals. I love my little Ameraucanas. But I happened upon them by accident, really. They are so curious about everything...
  15. Crazy4mypeeps

    Nebraskans Speak Up!!! NEBRASKA ROCKS!!

    Quote: Yeah...the county fairs don't have the turn out like they used to. There are poultry breeders here tho If you can make it there will be a poultry show in Lincoln at the Lancaster event center at the beginning of November. Most of those I know that are into showing and such dont tend to...
  16. Crazy4mypeeps

    Nebraskans Speak Up!!! NEBRASKA ROCKS!!

    I lost my little banty barred whatever she was last night. Very sad. She was such a sweet girl. So now I'm down to 7.
  17. Crazy4mypeeps

    Nebraskans Speak Up!!! NEBRASKA ROCKS!!

    Quote: The show in Scribner runs at the end of April, so it won't be for a while yet, but if you ever get down to lincoln they have the other poultry club's show at the lancaster event center at the beginning of November. Its a good time going to the shows. there are always lots of breeds to...
  18. Crazy4mypeeps

    Nebraskans Speak Up!!! NEBRASKA ROCKS!!

    When is the show in Scribner? I would love to go, even though we are basically full, for the size of our coop, it would be nice to see all the different breeds.
  19. Crazy4mypeeps

    Nebraskans Speak Up!!! NEBRASKA ROCKS!!

    Well, its official, my little leghorn hates me now after doing bumble foot surgery on her and having to check and rewrap every day. She sees me coming and just bolts off under the shed. Poor girl.
  20. Crazy4mypeeps

    Nebraskans Speak Up!!! NEBRASKA ROCKS!!

    Hi everyone, I'm from Fremont. I've been on the forum for a little while, mostly reading. We have 8 hens, and are still working on the coop, and slowly incorporating the great ideas here into our plans. LOL Hubby is giving up part of his garden area for the run, bless his heart. I've...
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