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  1. Chicken Fruit

    What should I do? Calling all moms and Dads....

    Thanks guys. Her mom actually just called for another reason and I was able to voice my concerns. We agreed that we need to do whats best for her as far as foods go. Decided that while she's here she wont have access to anything sweet or candy. She's equally as concerned about the whole epidemic...
  2. Chicken Fruit

    What should I do? Calling all moms and Dads....

    Quote: Yeah thats exactly my thought. If it werent HERE I wouldnt worry about it. Flu's happen. Its when we end up with the regular flu AND another unrelated strain at the same time that gets me worried. And with this one being the same family as the 1918 pandemic who knows if it'd cause or...
  3. Chicken Fruit

    What should I do? Calling all moms and Dads....

    Silkie's Grandma : Are the girls parents smokers? My step-Grandson's mother has a 3 pack a day habit, that poor child has a horiable smokers cough & CONSTANTLY has a cold or chest congestion. (the mother can't figgure out why!) It would explain the cold hanging on longer for her & not...
  4. Chicken Fruit

    What should I do? Calling all moms and Dads....

    Quote: Its only her here. Iam not concerned about what she has or had, other than my concern for HER that HER immune system is already taxed. We already had what she has and are all already over it.. I think that got mixed in some how with someone else confusion that iam concerned with what...
  5. Chicken Fruit

    What should I do? Calling all moms and Dads....

    Quote: This is good advice. I would ask for documentation or just a note from the doctor to confirm the visit. I run a daycare and have had to do this on occasion. my point though is that with any virus theres no symptoms during the incubation period- and the person is contagious during that...
  6. Chicken Fruit

    What should I do? Calling all moms and Dads....

    yeah he was breastfed and eats really well, I feed us ridiculously healthy food- my husband is a helpless health nut. my kids got the immune system of a horse. We'll all get sick, and of us all my husband always gets whatever it is the worst. My son just plows through it all. lol. I dont think...
  7. Chicken Fruit

    What should I do? Calling all moms and Dads....

    Quote: Yeah I dont want to freak out about it. Kids do need exposure to things whenever possible, thats not my deal. Iam just waiting for this this to mutate. I guess there hasnt been any case here in the US where someone has caught it domestically and then been so sick they died. That little...
  8. Chicken Fruit

    What should I do? Calling all moms and Dads....

    She was sick but not so sick that she couldnt attend school. It was just a long lingering cold- we all ended up with it, but I think she actually got it from US. The time before that she was home one day and then over the weekend with it. My thought was just that she's already weakened. I dont...
  9. Chicken Fruit

    What should I do? Calling all moms and Dads....

    Quote: Yeah Iam definitely going to seek God on it... glad to know iam not the ONLY one who'd consider not keeping her.
  10. Chicken Fruit

    What should I do? Calling all moms and Dads....

    Iam batting around this idea, and I was wondering what other moms or parents think. I keep a kid after school, her parents work and she's often among other people out and about with kids and stuff. She's had this ridiculous cough for at least two weeks now, and was sick with a cold for 10 days...
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