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  1. IanJones

    How many wine makers do we have here?

    My strawberry wine made lastnight I'm putting in a 40 pint barrel of yellow plum & a 5 lt rose today Update Well there all fermenting now. Taken me ages to perp18 kg of plums hands are sore now! I dont belive they used yeast for bread in biblical times? Hence the reason for unlevaned bread...
  2. IanJones

    How many wine makers do we have here?

    its bugging me took the basket off... going to just use buy now buttons there easier but messy :( edit: buttons and menu fixed for now :S
  3. IanJones

    How many wine makers do we have here?

    really? I'm not bias i have made wine with it before and it can be used if its fresh enough I'm guessing but you need to be careful with bread yeast and making wine, cause it can grow some dangerous things.. i made some Ribenna [like vimto] wine once lol i used 1 ltr of juice cordial and 1kg...
  4. IanJones

    How many wine makers do we have here?

    You poor thing... No one should drink it it's dangerous can make you ill. It creates different chemicals when it grows as its a living bactiria or it got an infection, then god only knows what other things can grow :s But If u want to experiment :) lol it's good practice but a waste of products
  5. IanJones

    How many wine makers do we have here?

    It's not good to use normal bread yeast bbecause it dies when achahol is produced and tastes rough... I've tried
  6. IanJones

    How many wine makers do we have here?

    Just made a little page not quite finished but looks nice & forum is active .. I'll go through the things I have bulk of and add extras to the list tomorrow and picksome stuff up
  7. IanJones

    How many wine makers do we have here?

    I'll post a list of good yeast in a day or so I have some good supplys of brewing yeast I can ship if anyone is interested I'll make a page on my website for people to buy and pay via PayPal x
  8. IanJones

    How many wine makers do we have here?

    hi kuntrygirl I use 6kg of apple's put them through a food processor or juicer use the juice to dissolve 2kg sugar over heat with 2 ltr of grape juice, add a small stick of cinnamon once warm or half teaspoon of powder. In the fermentation bin I put half the rough apple waste and pour the warm...
  9. IanJones

    How many wine makers do we have here?

    My black cherry wine from 2006 / 2008 bottled.
  10. IanJones

    How many wine makers do we have here?

    I have typed up my recipe and given a step by step instruction guide to complete the process of making this wine. If you do have questions or want to know anything , give me a shout would love to know and happy it assist :) Download my recipe here | 2013 RASPBERRY & RHUBARB WINE RECIPE...
  11. IanJones

    How many wine makers do we have here?

    yeah it would be a very tipsy place if we could :) ill type my recipe up tonight and get it posted so you can get started as soon as possible x and if anyone has questions or gets stuck, just ask away..
  12. IanJones

    How many wine makers do we have here?

    hi everyone :) i love making wine & beer at home ive got about half a dozen bottles left from 4 yrs ago black cherry and some damson i made, think i have a few dozen bottles of larger beer too.. last yrs peach, black cherry vanished over summer last yr :) in the next few weeks when my...
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