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  1. I have WHAT in my yard?

    Other people's kids! Aaaagh!

    Sorry horsejody, I started a new thread titled rude, rude rude..... does that give you a clue?? Actually, I ended up mostly feeling sorry for the kid. We laid down the law for her and she was not too bad. But, the parents dropped her off without a present and then were quite late picking...
  2. I have WHAT in my yard?

    Other people's kids! Aaaagh!

    I sent home a note with her asking parents to provide dietary needs so I can be prepared, list of meds, all phone numbers, emergency contact person nearby and doctor's numbers. I told DH if the parents were going to be just around the corner it would be one thing, but they're going to be over...
  3. I have WHAT in my yard?

    Other people's kids! Aaaagh!

    I really appreciate your liking me! You don't get deleted! You're obviously a good judge of character! Earlier this week I told DD2 that she could on her birthday choose the menu for the day. Her teacher got hysterical when she chose apple oatmeal for breakfast, PB &J and a banana for...
  4. I have WHAT in my yard?

    Other people's kids! Aaaagh!

    Y'know poor DD just came home and the bus driver called me to tell me she was being bullied on the bus!! The bus driver said she would not tolerate her girl being bullied! She said my children were the nicest, sweetest children she had on her bus and she despised the nasty kids whose parents...
  5. I have WHAT in my yard?

    Other people's kids! Aaaagh!

    I love a kid who eats well too, but don't have the parent tell me that she can eat whatever we have and then have the child tell me she can't eat that stuff and lecture me about how unhealthy it is. It is not my obligation to provide food that some one will eat if I am not informed before hand...
  6. I have WHAT in my yard?

    Other people's kids! Aaaagh!

    Yeah, I have had people tell me that we are too strict with our children. But, then the very same people tell me what a joy our children are to be around!! We don't expect automatons. I truly think children are happier when they get straightforward plain rules that stick. The point is to...
  7. I have WHAT in my yard?

    Other people's kids! Aaaagh!

    I think alot of this is about parents. parents who say their child has no food issues when they do are not doing anyone any favors. If you are offered something in some one else's house that you do not like, co not want or think is bad for you, the answer is, "No, thank you." If you really...
  8. I have WHAT in my yard?

    Other people's kids! Aaaagh!

    My. It isn't about not eating junk food that makes her a brat. It is about being bratty about it. I am not pitting myself against a child. I am recognizing that I am allowing an obnoxious child into my house and I will have to deal with her. I think the story got a little misconstrued. We...
  9. I have WHAT in my yard?

    Other people's kids! Aaaagh!

    You and my DH would get along great!! I think he thinks he'll be able to handle little Miss, I suspect it'll be a ten o'clock come get me call....... Or maybe it'll be a ten o'clock come get ME call!!
  10. I have WHAT in my yard?

    Other people's kids! Aaaagh!

    Rhett&SarahsMom : gently "suggest" that your dd pick another friend. Bribe her if you have to There is a certain girl in my dd's class that there is NO WAY I will let her have over again. EVER. As far as dropping the kid off earlier. Well. Did you state in your invite that the party begins at...
  11. I have WHAT in my yard?

    Other people's kids! Aaaagh!

    A year or so ago DD1 invited a girl over for a play date that did not go well. The mom said she had no diet restrictions (I always ask) so I planned on the girls making cookies together. Then kid says she is not allowed sweets and proceeds to pitch a fit that she's not allowed to eat the...
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