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  1. Dave Z

    Rooster injured by coyote

    Maybe the last post on this thread... Even though we raised him from a chick and handled him a lot, Bubba has always been pretty aggressive. Maybe that helped him with the coyote. But I had been forgetting that. Well, today he attacked me twice. I think he's fully back to normal.
  2. Dave Z

    Rooster injured by coyote

    Update. Bubba is mostly back to normal, though he isn't eating like I wish he would. I have seen him drinking on his own and his crop has had some food in it when I catch him for his "Rooster Booster" feedings. He eats the booster blend just fine on his own, but he wants it in chunks the size...
  3. Dave Z

    Rooster injured by coyote

    OK, here's what I've been giving Bubba. This is not my creation, it's from nnbreeder with a couple small variations. The original is on page 2 of this thread, I think. 1 egg yolk 1 tsp honey 2 Tbsp plain yogurt 3 Tbsp unsweetened applesauce 1 tsp pediatric electrolyte Blend all that stuff...
  4. Dave Z

    Rooster injured by coyote

    dlhunicorn, I'm a bit puzzled about not giving a rooster lay mash. How do you keep him out of whatever the hens are eating? I asked at the feed store and they said the layer blends would not hurt the roo. What is the risk?. For those who asked, I will post the recipie soon. Gotta run right...
  5. Dave Z

    Rooster injured by coyote

    Update...Bubba is now eating on his own...kinda. i don't think he's eating with the flock - his crop always seems empy, but when I caught him this morning to feed him, as soon as he saw the pellet of "Rooster Booster" dough in my hand, he grabbed it and gulped it down. He ate until his crop...
  6. Dave Z

    Rooster injured by coyote

    Update. Bubba is doing better. I mixed up a batch of what I'm calling "Rooster Booster" based on tips from threehorses and nnbreeder and have been able to get quite a bit of it down his throat. Through fighting with him I've developed a technique. I get a firm grip on his beard, which he...
  7. Dave Z

    Rooster injured by coyote

    threehorses and nnbreeder, that's some good info. As far as injuries, he has a cut (maybe deep scratch is more accurate) under a wing, but it has scabbed up nicely and looks like it's healing OK. There is a small scab behind his left eye, but no swelling or anything. His beak was all crusty...
  8. Dave Z

    Rooster injured by coyote

    Update. He seems a little better in some ways and worse in others. He's still not eating or drinking well, so I'm feeding him water with a syringe. A few drops, let him swallow, a few more drops. If I get food in his mouth, he'll swallow, but it isn't easy - he doesn't want me messing with...
  9. Dave Z

    Rooster injured by coyote

    Managed to get some milk-soaked bread down his throat today. If I get it in his mouth, he'll swallow it. The hard part is getting it in there - he fights me, he doesn't like me messing with his beak. The inside of his beak is looking better, it was all crusty. I'm beginning to wonder if...
  10. Dave Z

    Rooster injured by coyote

    Hi, Newbie here, trying to get some tips on how to treat my rooster, who was injured by a coyote. According to the feed store I got him from, he's an Ameracauna, (although I've come to understand that the generic Easter Egger is probably more accurate). He's almost a year old. On Wednesday...
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