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  1. Raising Reds

    Ticks and Chicks or Can I use Seven Dust in the yard?

    Quote: I love Guineas. My grandmother had them and they make great watchdogs. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you look at it) my property is unmanned 90% of the time. We built a small cabin for weekends/hunting/vacations but I don't have any way to keep fowl there. Since...
  2. Raising Reds

    Ticks and Chicks or Can I use Seven Dust in the yard?

    Quote: We have a property near Henry (Franklin County) and the ticks are so bad up there that we're not going at all this summer. Our last trip we cleared some brush. Even with long sleeve shirts and pants and having sprayed Deep Woods Off on ourselves we came back home with multiple ticks...
  3. Raising Reds

    Ticks and Chicks or Can I use Seven Dust in the yard?

    Quote: I've never used it before because my husband (what does DH stand for?) and I always had a live and let live attitude towards all the bugs in the yard. But after seeing what Lyme disease can do and having so many ticks this year that we have even found a couple of them in the house we...
  4. Raising Reds

    Ticks and Chicks or Can I use Seven Dust in the yard?

    We have ticks bad this year in my part of North Carolina. Really bad. I've heard that chickens will eat ticks but mine are only free ranging for an hour or so a day and they're not keeping up with the number our back yard contains. One of my dogs got Lyme disease last year and I don't want...
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