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  1. navywife22

    Lockdown on the 13th...anyone else?

    Thanks, Amy! It's feet are fine. He/she just can't get it's balance. I am constantly putting it back on it's belly because it flops over on it's back when it does try to stand and/or walk.
  2. navywife22

    Lockdown on the 13th...anyone else?

    I am glad to hear your other one has a buddy now!! I have 7 chicks so far and 1 pipped. One chick that hatched over night can't walk...he/she just flops around. Sure hope it gets better. The chickie that bled a lot and I thought wouldn't make it is running all around and is doing great...
  3. navywife22

    Lockdown on the 13th...anyone else?

    Your babies are very cute!! Quote:
  4. navywife22

    Lockdown on the 13th...anyone else?

    I have 3 more EE chicks this morning and a silkie that pipped last night. One of my EE's can't stand (or at least he is struggling more than any of my other chicks). Well, I have opened my bator and towel and gently blow dried my chicks. My humidity and my temps don't really go down much to...
  5. navywife22

    Lockdown on the 13th...anyone else?

    Thanks Amy! I hope your little chickie gets a buddy too. I just had a buff silkie hatch right before coming back to the computer. The EE that was bleeding seems to be fine, up and walking, drinking etc... I was worried about him/her. Hope they are all girls, but we all know how that goes.
  6. navywife22

    Lockdown on the 13th...anyone else?

    I have 3 that have hatched (1 silkie, 2 EE's) and 6 more that have pipped. It was a traumatic experience!! One was bleeding really bad. I got it to stop and it seems fine now. This is draining but exciting! Congrats everyone!!
  7. navywife22

    Lockdown on the 13th...anyone else?

    awwww! I bet they are so cute!! Can't wait to see pictures! Quote:
  8. navywife22

    Lockdown on the 13th...anyone else?

    I have 1 black silkie! It was so awesome to watch it zip and son (7 yrs old) and little 2 year old daughter enjoyed it too! She kept kissing the bator and saying "Hi chickie." Is the red cord still supposed to be attached to him and the shell?? Will it just come off as he is...
  9. navywife22

    Lockdown on the 13th...anyone else?

    That is so exciting!! I can't wait to have some fuzzy butts! I have until Friday at 2:30 p.m. though so hopefully I will have more pip and some zipping soon! This has been a looooong week! Post pics if you can.
  10. navywife22

    Lockdown on the 13th...anyone else?

    I can't wait to see the pictures!! I have 4 pips now, but no zipping. I can hear peeping too. It was cool to hear it the first time at 1:15 this morning. I didn't sleep much! Quote:
  11. navywife22

    Lockdown on the 13th...anyone else?

    Yay Amy!! I had another pip but it pipped at the wrong end! It's an EE egg. So far just the 2 pips. Don't hear any peeping though. Ginbart, good luck! I started out with 13 silkie eggs and only have 6 left. I hope I get a couple out of them...well, would like every egg to hatch...
  12. navywife22

    Lockdown on the 13th...anyone else?

    I still only have the one pipped. He is moving in there. Haven't had a lot of movement today with the others, but one egg that didn't move yesterday moved today. I locked down at 2:30 p.m. on the 13th so I am officially going into day 19 now (5 hours ago). I still have 2 more days...
  13. navywife22

    Lockdown on the 13th...anyone else?

    Poor little guy! Hopefully he will make it out on his own. I would be so tempted to help. I know it must be hard for you not to do it. It would be for me. Here's hoping he makes it out. Keep us all posted on him. Quote:
  14. navywife22

    Lockdown on the 13th...anyone else?

    Yay, Patty!! I haven't heard any cheeps coming from the bator. Just a little movement and the 1 silkie working his way out. This is very stressful for me. I didn't think it would be, but it is. I am having a lot of anxiety over this too. It really depends on how many hatch out this...
  15. navywife22

    Lockdown on the 13th...anyone else?

    I have movement again! I also have one pip! We will all be disappointed too, Amy, if none hatch. This has been very exciting and a fun learning experience. I plan to do it again.
  16. navywife22

    Lockdown on the 13th...anyone else?

    I had 7 moving last night before I went to I don't see any moving. I guess it's still a little early to worry. I will be disappointed if none hatch! I have my temp at 99.5 and now the humidity is at 60%. How's everyone elses eggs doing today?
  17. navywife22

    Lockdown on the 13th...anyone else?

    LOL, Hambone! My husband isn't into it like me. He pretends to be excited for me.
  18. navywife22

    Lockdown on the 13th...anyone else?

    I hope you have an awesome hatch too, Amy. :fl
  19. navywife22

    Lockdown on the 13th...anyone else?

    Congratulations hambone! It's so exciting to see them move! I don't hear any chirping yet though. Believe me, I have tried. I hope you all will post pics if you can of your little ones! I hope yours all hatch and are healthy.
  20. navywife22

    Lockdown on the 13th...anyone else?

    Thank you! I was surprised that as soon as I took them out of the turner and laid them down 3 were moving and then within an hour 3 more were moving. None of the others have moved yet. I think I have been at the bator all day, seriously!! I can't get myself to concentrate on work or do...
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