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  1. chickn

    Swanzey New Hampshire Saddles 4H Horse show and Market Fair Aug 22nd

    any pictures?? i have to wait a whole week!! killing me. i knew i should have bought him right there, but he was a boy, and henpen said no, give him back to the girl! i did what i was i have moved luna outside a while back, so getting cage clean and ready for his arrival! do you know...
  2. chickn

    Swanzey New Hampshire Saddles 4H Horse show and Market Fair Aug 22nd

    Quote: YESSSSSS!!!!!!! and what a little cuddle bug he is also. the kids have been running around with him since I brought him home. that day between all 5 kids that poor rabbit thought his legs had gone missing, everyone including rita lugged him everywhere. LOL. thats great!! isnt he the...
  3. chickn

    Swanzey New Hampshire Saddles 4H Horse show and Market Fair Aug 22nd

    HEY ALL!! i am back gypsy, did you get my rabbit?????
  4. chickn

    Swanzey New Hampshire Saddles 4H Horse show and Market Fair Aug 22nd

    Quote: WHAT!!! your not going to make it???? WOW, have you missed one yet this yr? its just not going to be the same without you!! see you in merrimack then??
  5. chickn

    Swanzey New Hampshire Saddles 4H Horse show and Market Fair Aug 22nd

    Quote: Leg horns are a nice bird just make sure its a hen lol leg horn roosters can get down right mean when they want to. Susans brother is bringing 50 brown egg layers, what they are beats me , lol I am waiting to find out. We have 1/4 acre in a neighborhood. Hens only. If we end up...
  6. chickn

    Swanzey New Hampshire Saddles 4H Horse show and Market Fair Aug 22nd

    Quote: ok, great! thanks,wont know til last minute if we will make it or not, sure not bringing anything. dont want to be stuck with birds all week. but dont forget my bunny!!
  7. chickn

    Swanzey New Hampshire Saddles 4H Horse show and Market Fair Aug 22nd

    shay, did you ever call the number for the camping at this fairgrounds? we are leaving here on the 22nd for warren, but i thought, at the last minute if we get the urge to head out early maybe we will camp there over friday the 21st night. is it something that needs to be prearranged...
  8. chickn

    Swanzey New Hampshire Saddles 4H Horse show and Market Fair Aug 22nd

    let us know how it goes shay gypsy can you get age info etc on the bunny when you pick him up please?
  9. chickn

    Swanzey New Hampshire Saddles 4H Horse show and Market Fair Aug 22nd

    Quote: i am not sure, there is a pony show going at the same time, how fast can that be?
  10. chickn

    Swanzey New Hampshire Saddles 4H Horse show and Market Fair Aug 22nd

    oh, not you gypsy, i mean the baskets
  11. chickn

    Swanzey New Hampshire Saddles 4H Horse show and Market Fair Aug 22nd

    i love when the old things come back around
  12. chickn

    Swanzey New Hampshire Saddles 4H Horse show and Market Fair Aug 22nd

    Quote: We may have to talk... can she do these: ETA: BTW - tell her congratulations! i love those, very cool
  13. chickn

    Swanzey New Hampshire Saddles 4H Horse show and Market Fair Aug 22nd

    Quote: ya, did that happen already, or is that coming up? how did she do
  14. chickn

    Swanzey New Hampshire Saddles 4H Horse show and Market Fair Aug 22nd

    Quote: I appreciate the confidence you all have in me and by the way it was a gentle tap not a bump and cost me $0 ask Heather how much it cost her! hee hee! Yah only cost yah $0 that day b/c the car you "bumped" was a POS !!! And Wendy is just trying to be nice.... I saw the...
  15. chickn

    Swanzey New Hampshire Saddles 4H Horse show and Market Fair Aug 22nd

    Quote: if you do, I hope Jen drives. AHAHA !!!! I tell you if you saw how she "bumps" in to other cars you wouldnt be saying that i would rather drive in a bumper car with jen than a race car with you
  16. chickn

    Swanzey New Hampshire Saddles 4H Horse show and Market Fair Aug 22nd

    shay if you find out if the camping is available there for the night before, friday i would be interested
  17. chickn

    Swanzey New Hampshire Saddles 4H Horse show and Market Fair Aug 22nd

    bringing this back as its the next upcoming swap!! i think i am going to miss it, we shall see
  18. chickn

    Swanzey New Hampshire Saddles 4H Horse show and Market Fair Aug 22nd

    $20 for advertising, when does that happen? is there a deadline for that? we should advertise market fairs and the coming dates for sept. would need to revise the calendar make sure its all correct info, and all dates times addresses are there also. what do you think?
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