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  1. bawkbawkbawk

    St. Brigid, patron saint of poultry farmers

    Haha - that's great! Little did she know she would become the go-to for chicken outlaws! I ordered the tile - am going to hang it at the door to my coop I haven't been Catholic for a long time, but with all the predator posts on BYC I figure my chickens need all the help they can get!
  2. bawkbawkbawk

    St. Brigid, patron saint of poultry farmers

    I did a Google search to see if there was a patron saint for chickens, and discovered that St. Brigid of Ireland is the woman for the job. I found this online - it's not my stuff but I'm buying one to hang outside my coop. They do tiles and wooden plaques. Just thought I'd pass it along in...
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