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  1. Sachasmom

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Its like broody insanity here, lol I have four ducks and a bunch of hens all sitting on eggs. I thought a Possum was stealing the eggs and eating them, but it was one of the other broody ducks doing it. :( Anyone coming to the auction this Sat in Canandaigua? I'm on the hunt for a Pastel...
  2. Sachasmom

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Anyone need any Juvie English Orp Roosters? Black or Blue LF... I'm ordering from Berrytangle Farm on Mon and there is room in my box if you'd like to add some and chip in for shipping... She also has a Black Bantam Orp Roo that is split for chocolate available, but its got leakage...
  3. Sachasmom

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I have Day old Ameraucana chicks available from my flock of Ameraucanas. Black and Lavender Roos over Black and Lav hens. Chicks are all black, may be split for Lav. $5.00 each I also have fertile hatching eggs available for $12/dozen. Will consider trades for Quail, Cream Legbar...
  4. Sachasmom

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I sent you a PM. ;p
  5. Sachasmom

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I have 6 (maybe more) fertile Bantam Ameraucana hatching eggs availble for $8, anyone want? I don't have room in my incubator and none of my silkies are broody, seems a shame to eat them. :( Hen is chocolate, Rooster is black (I don't know if he is a split yet or not) From Pips n Peeps line...
  6. Sachasmom

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    My Ameraucanas are finally laying (Well, some of them are) and I just set some in the incubator last night, they'd be straight run though, I don't know how to sex day old chicks. I need to go thru last years fall hatch and decide which pullets are staying, I'm hoping they fill out and grow...
  7. Sachasmom

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Anyone going to the auction in Canandiagua tomorrow? I'm going to thin out the Cayugas and Ameraucanas, I'm overrun with drakes and roosters, lol <br> <br> I hatched out project Bantam Ameraucanas (chocolate lines) and like everything is a rooster, bah. <br> <br> I could use some Silkie or...
  8. Sachasmom

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    My Ameraucanas have been laying since spring, One lav hen was broody twice though. One black kept trying and failing to hatch anything in the garage under stuff, I sure hope the Roo is not sterile since the other one disappeared one night last month. :( I have a Black split and a Lav Roo that...
  9. Sachasmom

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Tell me I am not the only one sitting here going "When are you going to LAY???!!!" Sigh. I have a Cream Legbar Trio, Chocolate Orp pen, Silkies, etc. Zilch Nada zippo. I even have two silkies who are broody on NOTHING. I'm tired of hatching Ameraucanas, even if I accidentally kill half and...
  10. Sachasmom

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Anyone coming to the Bath poultry show with a nice SQ Silkie Rooster? (White or Black) Going thru what has managed to survive Coons and me (sigh) and I have two Blue Roosters, one is a leaking Silver, the other Red. Ick. :( I also have a Bantam Ameraucana pair available (plus an extra Roo...
  11. Sachasmom

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Does anyone need any Cayugas before I ship the extras to the Bath auction later this month? I think there is at least one pair, possibly multiple drakes. ;p I'd love to trade them for a different bloodline if anyone else has Cayugas.
  12. Sachasmom

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I was contemplating one of those coops too to use for just silkies or small trios or broodys. I love the hoop coops, but I think they are beyond my skill set, unless they come in a kit, lol And I have no way to get cattle panels home either. :( I'm thinking about coming to the chicken meet...
  13. Sachasmom

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I dunno, I'd have to look it up? My husband tried to explain the science to me, but basically they need to be touching the ground to get zapped, and the Ameraucanas always fly AT the fence, and then climb up and over! Of course, now that its out, its on the wrong side and wants back in. I...
  14. Sachasmom

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I had to roof my breeding pen run, lol Darn things can still manage to find a spot to escape! At least the silkies stay where I put them!
  15. Sachasmom

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    There was a chicken out of the electric already today, sigh. Stupid Ameraucanas...
  16. Sachasmom

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I did, I got the plus I think? Or something like that, the posts are closer together.... The yellow stuff? When I looked at it after my hubby put it up I thought well, thats a stupid way to join it, esp at the point you need to use to get in and out of! I also got the gate, which I hate. Don't...
  17. Sachasmom

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Let me know! I might have to buy some eggs then if they're not hard, I keep hatching Ameraucana eggs, its like I cannot stand to eat them! Still waiting for my Cream Legbars to lay... And the new Black Orp hens have not laid a thing. Its like waiting for water to boil, sigh. I need these guys...
  18. Sachasmom

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Anyone have any Guinea keets available? Thought I would ask before I ordered them online, lol How hard are they to hatch out? I've got silkies that are brooding nothing, lol
  19. Sachasmom

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I think as far as handling goes they're pretty good, I've seen much worse. I do think they need to have people put stuff in proper boxes, but that's an issue across the board at auctions, people don't know or don't care how stuff is packaged. I bought three Black Orp hens that they had in a...
  20. Sachasmom

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Anyone going to the auction tomorrow? (At the fingerlakes auction place just past Canandaigua...) Starts at nine I think? I'm going to get rid of some extra Roosters and thin out my Quail pen, darn things are getting aggresive for some reason, they killed one hen last night. :( I tried to put...
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