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  1. andreanar

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    What a pretty boy! My chickens are not digging the snow lol
  2. andreanar

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Couple of cochin, couple of faverolles, brahma and some mixes. I love my feather feets!
  3. andreanar

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Dry weather would be nice, Ive already collected 3 trash bags full of leaves that I am going to throw onto the mud in there run and hope it makes a difference. Ive got quite a few feather footed breeds and I feel awful seeing their muddy, wet feet feathers.
  4. andreanar

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Hello fellow NYers! Been awhile since I checked in here. Hope everyone is well. Still working on getting coop winter ready, Ill be glad when all the mud freezes. Can't stand the mud. Hawks have been on the move thru here and grabbed one of my hens on its way by. Grrrr. Have a blessed day...
  5. andreanar

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I got her some LF Cochin, and some mixed breed LF black Cochin mother with a Phoenix father. She took 8 eggs under her. I offered 12 and let her choose what she wanted haha
  6. andreanar

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I found my girl some eggs! Yay
  7. andreanar

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Bahhh, finally one of my bantam cochins went broody and now I can find any hatching eggs for her! Im so frustrated. Anyone close to me, in the Finger Lakes area, have any fertile eggs?
  8. andreanar

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Hello fellow NYers! My flock is pretty thin right now after 2 attacks on the coop. I hate trying to integrate new birds. I pray every night to wake up and find one has gone broody.
  9. andreanar

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Ugh, finally at 26 weeks this bird reveals hes a cockerel with some crows. He's nice and he's just gorgeous so I don't wanna eat him. Anyone in Finger Lakes area want a Croad Langshan cockerel???
  10. andreanar

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Where would I find this bulletin board?
  11. andreanar

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Is anyone going to be at the State Fair with your birds?
  12. andreanar

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Good day all! Crappy few days here in the Finger Lakes. Rain rain and more rain. Ive started feeding FF but I think I have mold growing now. I'm so disappointed in a cochin that I have. Not only is it probably a cockerel, but it may not even be a cochin. I'm thinking maybe langshan. I...
  13. andreanar

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    @PhoredaBurds I guess you are close!! 2 EE, 1 silver laced Wyandotte, 1 buff brahma, 2 salmon Faverolles, 1 black Australorp, 1 black Cochin, 1 cream Legbar and 1 mystery, big white fluffy, with straight comb,dark wash white legs. Ive heard Lav Orp, or EE so Ill wait till she lays I guess.
  14. andreanar

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Hellloo fellow NYers. I'm between Syracuse and Rochester, small town called Geneva. I'm starting again with a new flock after having to give away my first flock due to neighbor issues. I bought this flock of 10 as 9-13 week olds. Last time, I raised from day olds. These new ones aren't as...
  15. andreanar

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Hey all. Ive decided on my replacement breed for the 2 cockerals that went to freezer camp. I am looking to get 2 standard Cochin, older pullets, in the spring. Im between Rochester and Syracuse, anyone have any breeder suggestions? I don't post much, but I keep up with reading this thread ;)...
  16. andreanar

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Im looking for a contact to get blue Cochin and BA started pullets this spring.
  17. andreanar

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I have had the bad luck of catching toomanyroos fever! Every day one of my blrw is looking more and more roo-ish! All this rain has the area where I'm trying to construct a run, a muddy,icky mess. Trying to find some pea gravel today. On a good note, the chickies seem very happy in their coop.
  18. andreanar

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I moved my 9 chickies out to their coop. I feel nervous! I'm so glad they are out of my house tho. Whew, what a loooong 6 weeks that was. Gonna bring them some watermelon as a treat in the morning. I hope they aren't freaked out!
  19. andreanar

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Ugh rotten morning here already! The little cockeral we decided to keep just yesterday, started biting me today, guess that answered my question on how hard A chicken can bite! Lol. My car broke down and is in the shop and I cut the back of my leg and the chickies keep trying to peck it...
  20. andreanar

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Thanks for answering that question. I was surprised how much it hurt to get it from a little one!
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