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    Bumblefoot surgery - with pics and "how to" Help for the bumble foot. I just saw this and thought how nice it would have been to have when my Bama Mama had this issue. I am going to order a pair just n case it happens again this winter.

    Bumblefoot surgery - with pics and "how to"

    Her bumblefoot is now tiny and she is doing well. After looking at video's on the surgery part I almost lost it. Got Miss Bama Mama into the vet. He cut on scab at bottom and put a non needle syringe full of a blue liquid. He gave her a shot of antibiotics. Told me to bring her back in a...

    Bumblefoot surgery - with pics and "how to"

    I think bumblefoot is what my Bama Mama may have. I just noticed this morn as she was last on the roost when I opened the door to let them out into run to eat. I was in tears. I take very very good care of my chicky girls, however I don't look at the feet much. I am in their coop 3 to...
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