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  1. garngang

    Too late to start some new chicks????

    Yes I do believe I am addicted! We r already thinkng of how to expand in the spring. Funny really bc we swore we wouldn't! It's nice to think I may be able to put them out that soon. 8 weeks in a brooder in the coop should be fine then I think. And that's a great idea to order from somewhere...
  2. garngang

    Too late to start some new chicks????

    Hi southerngirl nice to see another arkansan! so you have been using a heat lamp....i figured it was cool enough to use one. how soon are you going to mix them in with your older birds? see my coop is big enough that i could fit a brooder inside so that they could get to know the bigger birds...
  3. garngang

    Too late to start some new chicks????

    Vermontgal it will definately get colder up there than down here! I would never be able to handle that! Haha I am still just as curious about it all tho.... I guess we could just try it out and see! How quick does it get cold there? It's been in the 50s here at night and I'm wondering if even...
  4. garngang

    Too late to start some new chicks????

    I would really rather order chicks anyways. So how soon is too soon to put them out in the house with others if I am going to put them in a brooder? Just as long as I have a heat lamp they'll be fine? Will the others get too hot? And if they are in the seperate pin does that integrate them...
  5. garngang

    Too late to start some new chicks????

    See that is what I was thinking! If I get some now then by spring they will be laying. Good idea I thought! We just hate having them in the house with our 2 curious cats and the 1 giant of a dog. We can deal with the circus for a few weeks but I really would like them out well before they r...
  6. garngang

    Too late to start some new chicks????

    I was wondering if it is too close to cooler weather for me to start some new chicks? I'm in northeast Arkansas and the weather will be getting cooler soon. I don't mind to have them indoors for a couple of weeks but I would really like them to go out after 2-3. Will that be too soon??? Any...
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