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  1. Whimsical Farming Wife

    Need help with Coryza!

    Well I just got off the phone with the vet at our animal heath centre, and here is what she had to say. Keep in mind that she has not seen any of my birds- she was just doing her best to give me some input with the info I gave her. She seemed to think that it is unlikely that we have Coryza...
  2. Whimsical Farming Wife

    Need help with Coryza!

    Well I just did my first cull on my own today:( My poor Roosty was not looking any better after a few days in quarantine, and quite truthfully- I don't think I would have felt good putting him back with the flock even if he did bounce back. When I had him in my arms, I noticed that the strong...
  3. Whimsical Farming Wife

    Need help with Coryza!

    I really am hoping for some opinions on this- please.
  4. Whimsical Farming Wife

    Need help with Coryza!

    Oy... I lied! Thanx for your hugs kittymomma~ they rejeuvenated me... and now I am looking for input! The whole plan for my laying flock was to become self sustained; without having to buy a whole new batch of hatchery birds every couple of years; birds who start dying from internal lay and...
  5. Whimsical Farming Wife

    Need help with Coryza!

    WAAA! I am so sad~ After reading many threads on here about Coryza, I think that I might have it starting in my coop(s). My main roosty has been quarantined for 2 days now, being treated with Tetracycline. He is the only one showing symptoms (watery eyes & loss of spunkiness). If I new that...
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