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  1. 1876 Farm

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I got a new computer and the tool bar is missing that allows me to edit, upload emoticons and pictures! Has anyone else run into this? and if so, how did you fix it?
  2. 1876 Farm

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Hopefully it's just the weather or the fact it's finally spring and everyone is getting out doing things they didn't all winter long!! I woke up around 1am with my knees killing me, but then again, I took a mile and a half walk at lunch yesterday. I hope you feel better soon!
  3. 1876 Farm

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I need some advice.... when purchasing you prefer your eggs to be shipped on Friday or Monday? (if this was your choice) - Seems to me if they are shipped on Friday then you will get them by Monday. Even if they sit at the post office a day, perhaps that settling time is good for...
  4. 1876 Farm

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    When you put her back into the coop with the others, keep an eye on who the aggressor is and then remove that one for a couple of days. Here's some advice that I read a couple of years ago... When you remove a chicken from the flock it places that chicken at the bottom of the peaking order...
  5. 1876 Farm

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Thanks for posting!!! I have a integration coop that we built last year.. There was this odd structure sitting around our farm and we just added sides, but no bottom. We are going to add a base and I wanted to use wire on the bottom instead of a solid floor. Especially since I only want to use...
  6. 1876 Farm

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Just busy!! watching the chicks hatch . - I've had 3 hatch, 1 zipped and 3 pip. With 12 more to go. and painting my daughters room - She'll be finishing up college from home... she hasn't lived here in 4 years... what a change that will be. Yay on getting the tractor all...
  7. 1876 Farm

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I would say if you paid for the eggs ( and even if you didn't) go ahead and incubate, what can it hurt. I have 7 eggs in my incubator that I got through the mail that all had detached air sacs. Today is day 21 and 2 of my own eggs have pipped so it won't be too long before I know if the 7...
  8. 1876 Farm

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Our dog could only eat lamb based products anything else made lift messy. Even at that we couldn't change the brand, otherwise it upset her system. Not fun for pet or owner. Cute kitten pictures!! Tempting to pick up another friend for our cat... but I think 1 is enough for now. :-) Well...
  9. 1876 Farm

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    are there any specific facebook pages you belong to.... like... Wisconsin Poultry or something?
  10. 1876 Farm

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Delisha, Where do you go to pick strawberries??
  11. 1876 Farm

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    We are pretty close to each other! I'm about 10 min south of where I-90 crosses 43. Stay warm and dry everyone!!
  12. 1876 Farm

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I put my eggs into lock down tonight!!! and I am a true believe of no touch!!! Last year during my 2nd guinea egg hatch I helped out one of the last eggs to hatch, it was partially hatched, the membrane was becoming stuck to it so I thought I would help. It came out bloody and weak. I...
  13. 1876 Farm

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Welcome!! Where are you located?
  14. 1876 Farm

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Morning everyone!! Cold and wet here today... and I guess all week through Sunday. I feel for those that live in northern WI.. heard you are getting inches of show. It's only monday and I have this feeling this week is going to drag on. It shouldn't feel that way, I have my eggs going into...
  15. 1876 Farm

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Does anyone here sell Gold Laced Wyandotte eggs? I will be setting some BO eggs early May and thought I would like to add some GLW eggs to the mix. Thanks!
  16. 1876 Farm

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Nice to see another Wheaton Ameraucana person here! These chicks parents came from Wayne Meredith last year... until 2 days ago I hadn't even heard of him. He lives about 8 minutes from me and is walking distance from my DD French Horn teacher. Small world!! Now I just need to learn...
  17. 1876 Farm

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Your GD is adorable! Happy Friday everyone! Love the chick pictures everyone. My eggs go into lock down on Tuesday.. can't wait! I'll be with some of you... planting trees this weekend. Have a good weekend!!
  18. 1876 Farm

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Picked up 5 Wheaton Ameraucana tonight.... They are 1.3 weeks old. I wonder if the lighter winged chicks are hens and the darker winged chicks roos I figured since my CCL eggs were probably not going to hatch, I might as well get some Wheaton Ameraucana. Hope everyone it doing well. Jim...
  19. 1876 Farm

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Congratulations!! This is great news!
  20. 1876 Farm

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    So are you saying if we camp out near his house this weekend, with a large net, we might get a few free birds? JK... :-) Are Peafowl very noisy? Are they hard to take care of? agressive? I would love some, but they seem like they would take a lot more effort to take care of than...
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