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  1. Debbie292d

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I sure hope those of you in the freeze warning zones tonight don't lose anything. This bites to be this cold at night in June.
  2. Debbie292d

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    We are in our 2nd seven-minute storm today. Sunny skies, then suddenly in come the wind, dark skies, rains for a few minutes, then back to sunny again. We haven't seen a rainbow in a long time. We got a double!
  3. Debbie292d

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    So sorry. Electrolyte water helps with stress. You could try that. We have Hydro-Hen but if you don't have anything you can make it easy, just Google. For your possible egg-bound hen with poopy butt, did it look like a broken egg there too or just poop? I'd pick up some of that...
  4. Debbie292d

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    If I recall, putting a little neem oil in there helps to keep the dawn on the leaves longer, smothers anything on the leaves, but doesn't hurt the leaves. I sprayed my rose bushes too. Those beetles never went for our grapes much, but they really liked one particular young birch tree and the...
  5. Debbie292d

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Wouldn't spraying something on those help? I've already sprayed neem oil (a few tblsp neem oil, a few drops of Dawn, the rest water) on all of our trees in hopes to beat the Japanese beetles as we've not seen one yet. We have two small apple trees that seem okay.
  6. Debbie292d

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    We've used Food Grade DE for over 20 years in our macaw parrot cages to keep fruit flies and pantry moths gone. Then, when we got ants, around the house and no more ants. It's not a cure-all for sure, but since we got chickens were advised to use it in our coop and dust baths as a prevention...
  7. Debbie292d

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    DNR called back and explained those four were probably from the same sow (never knew momma bears were called that) and that it's breeding season for them, so she booted them out of the den. They are basically four teenagers bumbling around looking for sources of food. They did nothing here but...
  8. Debbie292d

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    4 bear cubs in our yard night before last.
  9. Debbie292d

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Just got back from a week in Cancun a couple of hours ago. Had to drive nearly 4 hours back from the Mpls/St. Paul airport. Loved all the pretty birds and animals they have there!
  10. Debbie292d

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    No, never heard of them. I just buy hatching eggs off eBay or find quality breeders who sell eggs. Once I bought chicks from our local feed mill, but half died so I'm never doing that again. The ones we hatch don't die.
  11. Debbie292d

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    We got about that yesterday/last night. I was sent home from poll worker in Shawano as I lived the furthest out and the county warned the city that the roads were degrading fast. I'm so glad I left when I did as had it been much later, I know I'd have been in the ditch. I was driving the...
  12. Debbie292d

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    There is this white stuff falling again. 😳 At least I see the lows for the next several days are around 30-35F so at least that's not so bad.
  13. Debbie292d

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    We got about 8" up in Shawano County and supposed to get more. It was melting a bit today so the paths made to the outbuildings are more definite, but the snow is still here. 15F for a low tonight. Spring please get here!
  14. Debbie292d

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    When it's injected or given orally, that's one thing, but I don't think for topical use they even know for certain if any is getting into the egg and the two week withdrawal is just a precaution. It's for the chickens anyway so I sure would. In my case, my husband ate them or we would have.
  15. Debbie292d

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Having silkies, I've dealt with them three times in 7-8 years. We use DE so they don't get any other mites or lice, but they still get these. The first two times, hubby and I went out at night and slathered their feet and legs with Vaseline that had a bit of A&D Diaper rash ointment and Vicks...
  16. Debbie292d

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    It can be if you breathe it in. So is a lot of things, so don't breathe it in or allow your chickens to either. You don't throw this around, you sprinkle it around. I have box of cheap air masks in the garden shed for mowing and spreading DE. A used parmesan cheese container makes a great...
  17. Debbie292d

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I thought so too, but hubby just gave me the forecast and we get some 30's for highs coming again. BUT, I too am going to start seeds. 🌞
  18. Debbie292d

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Just put some wheat or oats or some grains in a quart jar up to a 1/3 full, cover that with unchlorinated water, cover the jar with cheesecloth or a flour sack or something that breathes, stir it and sit in a shady spot on your kitchen counter. Stir it at least once a day and keep water...
  19. Debbie292d

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    You can, but it only takes 3 days so I don't bother. If you make one each day, you've always got a jar of ferment ready to serve.
  20. Debbie292d

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Sounds like how I ferment, except I do Henhouse Reserve, wheat and oats, and tablespoon of chia and flax. That's the fun part about fermenting is you can ferment pretty much anything you want!
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