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  1. denisemhogan

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Wow....the dh left me his iPad...woohoo...get to catch up on the posts. My friend came over to pick up her duck, helped me voices sex mine and we moved them all outside today. I built them a temp. Pen...mostly to protect from my shih tzu...they love being out. Tomorrow start the relocation...
  2. denisemhogan

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Hi everyone! Had a chance with a sleepless night to catch up on some posts. Lots going on. Sorry to hear about the kitty Finster . Hate losing the elders. So much on hatching. Im glad I didn't go that route this first year back into poultry. I however have learned a lot. Maybe...
  3. denisemhogan

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Cute chicks...and what in the world are those weird Cc....I will try to remember to take a photo of it and get you the brand....there are several want the kind that is a power pack car starter. it's basically a car battery with all these things it can do. I...
  4. denisemhogan

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Cute chicks...and what in the world are those weird Cc....I will try to remember to take a photo of it and get you the brand....there are several want the kind that is a power pack car starter. it's basically a car battery with all these things it can do. I...
  5. denisemhogan

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Good morning everyone..long time no see. Sounds like everyone is busy with their bators. Maybe next year....I'm still drowning in baby ducks/chicks. Our pigeons now laid an I'll pretend I'm part of the easter hatch. ;-) Muck boots. I am seen wearing mine all the time. I LOVE...
  6. denisemhogan

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I got a blue egg..I got a blue egg..:::dancing thechicken dance::: I've had my EE since last aug. And I thought she laid these LONG pointy pink eggs I get every once in awhile...but this moring I got a very big blue green egg! Yeah! Getting a couple every day now...hope those girls keep it...
  7. denisemhogan

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Greetings everyone! Haven't been online in awhile here. Since I was so zealously buying chicks and ducks...I have now been zealously caring for them. And all I have to say is...never again will I do baby ducks in the winter! Love my little super duper poopers...but man...are they a lot...
  8. denisemhogan

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Brrrrrr...TO....I had to just walk thru the garage t check on my chickens and that was cold enough for me! Amery just now finally started crowing. Think it took a litte while for his voice to warm up. Pigeoons where still far so good. I want to get out there and get some...
  9. denisemhogan

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Hi everyone. I'm Denise and I'm addicted to collecting poultry.....hehehehe I tried to post this morning...wrote up a huge thing...but Jim's computer gremlin must've made it's way to mine...poof...disappeared. All I did today was clean brooders and pens....I'm trying wood pellets for the...
  10. denisemhogan

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Kristip...cutest thing ever....I love the green...not that ugly packr green...a pretty kelly green that the swiss chard would look pretty against. Judge super cute photo... I need to g back and read up on everyone...but I had to write that my baby ducks arrived today! ducks have to be...
  11. denisemhogan

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Good morning all. Beef tongue...I remember loving it as a dad slicing it thinly and eating it on buttered bread sandwiches. I should buy one at the bucher shop next time and see if I like it. Glad to hear the kitty is coming around. I've learned a ton this morning about turkeys. I...
  12. denisemhogan

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    My dd6 says that one lttle chick is doing the
  13. denisemhogan

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Just spent some time watching the little peeps for awhile. They are so funny...all their personalities are showing. The other half asked what I was doing....obviously not a chicken person. They come running over when they see me. Funny how some of the same ones will come by you all the...
  14. denisemhogan

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Ang..I thought you got a little tiny Cochin roo...I think his name is Mickey. The nasty stuff took a break ...but now round two is starting. It 6p and I'm ready for bed....
  15. denisemhogan

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Nasty is so darn wet out. The ice has already started. I am worried about power outage and I have pips in the bator. Have the back up plan in play and a broody in the coop.. One single silkie hatched out and survived.  It is soooo tiny. I have no idea how something so small can...
  16. denisemhogan

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I absolutely love my Gold Sex Link - a great bird to start with. We had another one - She use to follow my DD6 all around...loved to be picked up and petted. Sprinkles - the one in the photo - is also the sweetest gal and other than the really deep freeze days - I get an egg a day from her...
  17. denisemhogan

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    AngieBubs will have to tell you exactly...but if I remember right - he was hatched in May/June last year....I think. She has photo's of him when he was just a little peep. If you call his name - he'll talk back to you. IF he hears me in the house - he'll crow. I'll miss them being...
  18. denisemhogan

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads" baby peeps have been getting so much attention that I thought I better share photo's of my gals and Big Boy...Amery... And then of course i had to sneak one of Piggie...Love her to death. (she's much bigger now) I do have a question though - What's the real difference between an...
  19. denisemhogan

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I laid down with the DD6 to have a rest before she went to a birthday party....guess who took the nap. ;) The thought of eating chew feet gets a big EEEEEEWWWWWWwwwwwww! Yuck! (Said like the kids when they're expected to eat something healthy) My grandmother's family is from Poland. I do...
  20. denisemhogan

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Thanks everyone. I need to start cooling my chicks down. I went to town to buy everything today and specifically to buy a 250wtt bulb and the bulb...forgot the thermometer. Hate when that happens. I think with the storms and blizzard warning in effect probably a good...
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