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  1. flocksalot

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Kristip...I mix ages all the time in the brooder and never have a problem. Right now I have 4,5,6, and 7 week olds together in one, three day up to three weeks in another, and newly hatched with two week old turkeys. The last is pretty funny because it makes the turkeys look huge and they are...
  2. flocksalot

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    . Guess who thinks he's king of the shite pile? . Yup that's his favorite spot to survey from. He sure is a funny boy! He still eats out of our hands and knows that if he grabbed another roosters girl he better make a bee line and hide behind me. That's delisha's Black Foot. He's doing a...
  3. flocksalot

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I hear ya Kim! My hubby has been in the same boat. Thankfully he starts a new job in two weeks. It was a really rough winter with him gone. And too many times just sitting somewhere waiting or a load or ending up with a 34 hour restart stuck in the middle of no where. Dispatch even had him...
  4. flocksalot

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Silkies make great fuzzy warm pillows for happy little turkeys too! They both cried for each other when I separated them last week. Turkey was getting way to big to have his security silkie though since the silkie could run around underneath the turkey.
  5. flocksalot

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    LOVE IT! I want one just like it.
  6. flocksalot

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    But we would like it fixed before the parts are no longer available or it becomes an antique.
  7. flocksalot

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    If she had photo evidence she could take it to the local news. I just find it strange that if the sheriff was out and there were documented cases of neglect that a vet. wasnted called and animals removed. From what I have seen in the past they don't wait to take it to court. They seize...
  8. flocksalot

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    It will be for a while too! We will be keeping our first cutting, and wait to see what the second looks like. Then if we get a third or fourth we will let them go, but we have to hang on to the first and possibly second incase the rest of the season is crappy. Last year we got 25 round bales...
  9. flocksalot

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    If anyone is looking for khaki Campbell ducks or Chinese white geese it looks like I'm going to be hatching a bunch of them.
  10. flocksalot

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Oh that's so sad. I'm sorry.
  11. flocksalot

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Meet em and you will love them! Just don't come when it's pouring rain. Come when it's nice and sit down. Soon enough you will have some curious little turkeys trying to get your attention. Course they will stay between you and me because they must protect the mommy. Got some more...
  12. flocksalot

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    She is also very naughty. She can open any lock or clip we have on her cage and often she will come up stairs to see what we are doing. Thankfully she only lets the other monsters out once in a while. She does love to make mischief. She is also known as the mistress of mayhem. If Terry had...
  13. flocksalot

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Terry you need to grab that parrot like I did and show him you are not afraid of him. Thumb under chin with fingers on the sides to prevent him from turning and biting you. Once he knows you aren't afraid of him you will be higher in the flock than him. Or maybe he just misses me holding...
  14. flocksalot

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    DL is deep litter. There's a whole method to the madness of it. Just search it and they can explain it better than I. Myself I just shovel it all out once a month and start over. Keeps it cleaner for me.
  15. flocksalot

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    So sorry Vicki, but you did the right thing by not making her suffer longer.
  16. flocksalot

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Delisha just wanted to let you know Mr Blackfoot has taken little Charlie under his wing to teach him about roostering. Charlie is still a small little guy, and next to Blackfoot he's a midget, but they are now pals. Blackfoot doesn't let his ladies pic on poor Charlie, and last night when we...
  17. flocksalot

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I hear ya. Even had someone swear the teriyaki was beef, but I could smell it. It took almost an hour to get them to fess up. As for chemical free.......well I raise almost everything we consume. Even over the winter we have fresh salad greens. I can grow darn near anything in a self...
  18. flocksalot

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    My hubby loves that stuff too. His sister keeps him in a supply. My nine year old LOVES it. Me not so much.
  19. flocksalot

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    My hubby would probably like that, but I'm still not eating it. I think I was maybe ten when I tried real beef for the first time. It's been a forty year love affair since. Hate fish too, but I will eat it if I have too. It's funny because those are the only two things I really dislike...
  20. flocksalot

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I hear ya about the venison. Hate it with a passion. My hubby loves to bow hunt, so I can it all into stew for him. My 30 year old likes it, but he also liked wild boar in the Sudan. My hubby claims the way I cook it you can't tell it's venison, but I grew up if you didn't hunt it, fish it, or...
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