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  1. andisgarden

    I have some pip now can we add a little zip?

    You were right. I put her in a big box with food and water and immediatly she started pecking away and the babies followed her lead. It is so cute. Thanks, andrea
  2. andisgarden

    I have some pip now can we add a little zip?

    5 babies from 5 eggs..YEAH Barbara (my broody) she is a good mama. When do I give them water and food. I don't want to handle them too soon.
  3. andisgarden

    I have some pip now can we add a little zip?

    I have 18 various copper and blue copper maran eggs in the bator right now. I love marans Due to hatch October 7th... I can hardly wait. I need to get a flashlight to candle them.
  4. andisgarden

    I have some pip now can we add a little zip?

    I had 5 eggs under my little Barred cohin and I checked on her this morning and there were two eggs with little pips. I am a proud mama She is my fav and it doesn't surprise me that she would be my first broody. She is spoiled. How long does it usually take from pip to zip? Also, I want her...
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