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  1. dekel18042

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Hatch rate can depend on many things. If your eggs are fertile, your rate should be much higher than if the eggs were shipped, but it can still depend on your incubator, how it holds its temperature, the humidity. Some of the things you have control over, some don't. I always consider the...
  2. dekel18042

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    X2 You can also skewer fresh vegetables or fruits on a string and hang them so the birds can peck at and eat them.
  3. dekel18042

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Northampton, near the Bucks County line.
  4. dekel18042

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    You're further west so maybe that is what you'll get but someone told me this morning we are in the 24 inch range and someone else said 15-24" I hope they're wrong. I've been looking forward to spring.
  5. dekel18042

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    X2 on raccoon. One thing about having a raccoon as a predator, they aren't hard to catch in a live or Hav-A-Hart trap using tuna fish or canned cat food as bait. The only problem I've heard is if it is a very big raccoon (They come in all sizes) it may be able to get at the bait while its...
  6. dekel18042

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    A lot of the brands are good. We have a Moultrie that works well. One thing about having raccoons as a predator, they seem very easy to catch in a live trap. We've used tuna fish and cat food as bait and it works every time. The only think with a live trap is make sure you have one big...
  7. dekel18042

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Just remember this is the US post office you're talking about. No excuse but it happens. Three years ago I ordered live chicks which were shipped on a Monday afternoon. They arrived alive and healthy in less than 24 hours. I was so happy with my chicks I ordered more the next year...
  8. dekel18042

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    The rooster would have to carry the blue egg gene too. I've been breeding these, love them, but as sex links, that only holds up in the first generation. The girls are black, the boys are barred. I consider the black sex links to be EE's and as black ee's the sex link part won't carry over to...
  9. dekel18042

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Welcome. Certainly hope your snow isn't headed our way (But according to the weather forecasts it probably is. ) What kind of eggs are you hatching? Good luck with them.
  10. dekel18042

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Thanks, your idea of running a plain wire seems much easier than running a hot wire, and you're right, the chickens fly to the top rail and sit there before deciding which side they want to come down on. Before it got dark I looked out and there were five sitting in a row on the top rail.
  11. dekel18042

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Around the area, about one acre, my chickens forage is a 54" high fence. Inside it are coops and covered runs. The poultry are pretty safe when they stay within this area but of course there are some who fly over and love to forage in the woods. Some only once, others are the instigators. I...
  12. dekel18042

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I would say they are a pale sage green. Of course cameras can lie. If you want a true blue, Ameraucanas, are supposed to lay true blue. I have an EE who lays a beautiful blue egg and am waiting to see what her daughter lays. Olive eggers are usually a mixed or hybrid breed, one parent a blue...
  13. dekel18042

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    If you read the different threads on hawk attacks there are ways to lesson the threat. One thing, in choosing your breeds, you can go with larger sized chickens. My last successful hawk attack was between 15 and 20 years ago so right after that when we added new chickens I researched and went...
  14. dekel18042

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Sounds like they mixed something and they gave it a name since it isn't a purebred. Who's going to pay that much if they say "Easter Egger"?
  15. dekel18042

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    How bad is it? We're waiting but hoping it misses us. Not ready for this yet.
  16. dekel18042

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Yes, bantam roosters can crow, but we always joke that they sound like squeaky toys, They have nowhere near the volume of large fowl roosters..
  17. dekel18042

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    There are often lots of poodle mixes. You may want to try going through a rescue that has dogs living in actual homes or a shelter that knows a particular dog's background if she will be living with chickens or other animals and children. By being in a foster home the dog can be evaluated as...
  18. dekel18042

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    X2. There is also the large size Hav-a -Hart trap, but if coyotes are as wily as foxes and I have a feeling they are, trapping them will be VERY difficult. Wish there were a fool proof way of getting foxes. Their wilyness is legend around here.
  19. dekel18042

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    If you don't want to give her eggs, but you want to break her from being broody. you can put her in a wire dog crate and hang it or if it is on the ground, no bedding materials. That should break her within a few days. Some people say dunking her in cool water to lower her body temperature...
  20. dekel18042

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    The girls you have, what breed are they and have their combs reddened up yet? Pullets start laying but they also continue growing at the same time for a while. The all flock is higher in protein but lacks the calcium of layers, which chickens need for laying. You can meet both needs by...
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