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  1. griggy

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Hi friends..I am in Felton PA in York County and have quite a few chickens for sale if anyone is looking. I have: 6 White Leghorns--18 weeks 3 Black Austrolorps--21 weeks 4 Dominiques--1 1/2 to 2 years old 1 Buff Orpington-21 weeks 2 Easter Eggers-21 weeks 2 Golden Comets (one of these girls has...
  2. griggy

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Thank you! My husband made it for me. Well, for the chickens :)
  3. griggy

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Hey, they are replacing our plants so I can't be too upset. I hope the cow enjoyed the cabbage :) So here's the chick with 4 toes and feathered legs: Here's another chick that looks different than all the is a beautiful reddish brown color. And here's my Rhode...
  4. griggy

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    So 34 of the 39 eggs have hatched so far. The babies are so cute and I'm having fun trying to figure out what they are. I have one with feathered legs and four toes...any guesses? Wingstone..I am interested in Muscovy eggs. And more hatching eggs from you and CC :) Our neighbors cow has gone...
  5. griggy

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    After my experience with my broody hen, I really wanted to try to incubate some eggs myself. I asked my husband, who can build anything, to make an incubator for me. He said that he would, but before we spent the money on supplies he said I should borrow an incubator and try a hatch to see if 1)...
  6. griggy

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    You think I am addicted or you are too?
  7. griggy

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    LOL. My daughter named one Hershey and wanted to name the others but I told her to not name anything that you aren't sure that Daddy isn't going to eat. Funny story, we named one of our first round of chicks Dottie because it had a dot on its face. Also, it is my mom's name. Dottie has turned...
  8. griggy

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Here's a quick shot of chick #3 :)
  9. griggy

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Wow, where did you get that?
  10. griggy

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I would like to do bees too, but we live right next door to our landlord so I'm not sure that will work. One day we hope to buy a plot of land to park an RV on and live off the land, but until then... Speaking of, can I have suggestions on the most economical way to buy canning jars? I've...
  11. griggy

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Thank you! I have 3 babies hatched so far!
  12. griggy

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Happy Friday! Haven't slept a wink, but my eggs are hatching! I've got two babies out, one who has zipped all around but is taking his/her time and a bunch of other pips. Next time I'm not putting the incubator on the back and legs are killing me from sitting there all night! Go...
  13. griggy

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I have two external pips!! I don't think I'm going to be sleeping tonight. This is my first incubator hatch.
  14. griggy

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Why do people frown upon straw in the run? (Just curious). Does anyone know a good place to get raw milk that isn't crazy expensive?
  15. griggy

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I'm in lockdown with my eggs that I got from CC and Wingstone and I hear peeping :)
  16. griggy

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Okay, I just wasn't sure what to do since they are already rocking.
  17. griggy

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Eggs in the incubator are at the end of Day 15. Some are starting to move. What should I do? Continue turning? Go into lockdown? Should I bump the humidity up??
  18. griggy

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Sounds great! Thank you! We just moved Momma and the babies in with her former flock mates. We have had them side by side, so when we put them together they barely noticed. My husband just hooked up the nipple watering system to the big coop. We are slowly getting things set up the way we want...
  19. griggy

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    Good morning! We are looking for an all-flock or grower type feed that we could feed our entire multi-age flock. We can get layer feed locally for cheap, but don't know what to feed the little ones that isn't so expensive like from TSC. Any suggestions? We live in York but can go to Lancaster.
  20. griggy

    Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

    I was hoping my other grown girls would go broody when the one did, but they weren't interested. Having the broody hatch and now raise the chicks has been one of the coolest things! My teenage chickens are at 16 weeks now. They lost a bunch of feathers, and their faces are turning red. Will...
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