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  1. Aliaslucyvp

    Consolidated Kansas

    "You might want to be sure and worm those peachicks soon. I found worms in a baby that died. I wouldn't worry except I also read that they can be infected through the egg. I just want to make sure they stay well. I have only had a problem in the pen where the Mom and Dad are raising their chicks...
  2. Aliaslucyvp

    Consolidated Kansas

    Frizzled - great idea! I'm thinking maybe to use one of those propane "wands" to burn the soil where the plants were this year, too. They say the bugs winter over. Evil things!
  3. Aliaslucyvp

    Consolidated Kansas

    Cherwill: next year I am going to be using lots of tangle-foot - hoping to stick them to the spot where they can't do any/much harm before they die. Same with the cucumber beetles - they fly to bright yellow - squash-blossom color so I am going to try and hang bright-yellow orange traps up...
  4. Aliaslucyvp

    Consolidated Kansas

    "I'm having a lot of trouble with my neck. I've had too many surgeries on it and I am fearing I may have to have another one. I can't seem to get prescription pain pads to stop the pain and they work better than anything. I feel like an old bear right now. It's hard to act decent when my head...
  5. Aliaslucyvp

    Consolidated Kansas

    Regarding the sick birds that won't get well - can't do any harm to dose them with Grapefruit Seed Extract! I think it is great for everything, and can't hurt.
  6. Aliaslucyvp

    Consolidated Kansas

    Josie - we use Southern LP Gas - kind of a mom and pop deal on highway 160 just west of Winfield. They have been so great with us - I can't recommend them too highly!
  7. Aliaslucyvp

    Consolidated Kansas

    Someone here mentioned using a combination of essential oils as flea and tick repellent. Can you please post the recipe or pm me the recipe? I sure could use it especially now that I have 4 dogs. I would really like it, too - and not only for the dogs. I am considering buying the net...
  8. Aliaslucyvp

    Consolidated Kansas

    22Q - yep - that's the one I use, too. The same company sells several "already made" products such as nasal spray with GSE and I think something for ears. Purely on a personal experience, I took a couple of the tablets on vacation when I ate some bad lunchmeat and had awful headache and...
  9. Aliaslucyvp

    Consolidated Kansas

    Out of the Brooder - I just started using lots of coconut oil and it may be my second favorite! When we put chickens in tonight we had quite a bit of aggression from our Egyptian Fayoumi cockerel. He is small but all the others from his peer group run from him now. He may have to have a new...
  10. Aliaslucyvp

    Consolidated Kansas

    Lizzy - I am a pretty much Earth-mother type and so I use natural stuff as often as possible. I use Grapefruit seed extract for everything (google its uses - I even have a book about it somewhere around here.) Anyway, it is quaternary antibiotic - it kills bacteria and some viruses - it is...
  11. Aliaslucyvp

    Consolidated Kansas

    Danz - how do you lose your chickens? We had a dog down the street kill ours a couple of times, and stray dog once, but mostly it is coyotes. Here is off topic advice: I am the allergy queen, so I read everything about them that I can...this year year I read about stinging nettle soup (fresh...
  12. Aliaslucyvp

    Consolidated Kansas

    Cherwill - I have to drive with the cruise control on at all times! As you probably remember, "55mph" is an average in CA - if you have to drive for 5 miles at 30 mph, then you can go 80 to catch up - hopefully, the average is around 55! Here there are far too few cars in front of me to keep...
  13. Aliaslucyvp

    Consolidated Kansas

    Hi, I was born in LA, lived my grade school years in Redondo Beach, and a couple of years in Manitou Springs, CO. Then we moved to Santa Ana near Edinger and Euclid, by Fountain Valley and Mile Square Park. I lived all over OC when I was an adult, and for a few years in Visalia, on the road...
  14. Aliaslucyvp

    Consolidated Kansas

    Aww...thank you! Glad to have him come! I work in Engineering where the guys keep the place running as smoothly and a very old facility can run. I personally pay the service and maintenance contracts and do many other things to keep us all going. I saw two military guys on my trip home from...
  15. Aliaslucyvp

    Consolidated Kansas

    Thanks! Love my chickens and Guineas - they are a passion for us!
  16. Aliaslucyvp

    Consolidated Kansas

    The drive is okay, I used to drive 30 miles in CA and it often took an hour to get home with my nerves like I had been tortured with fingernails on blackboard for the whole time. I remember one of my last drives before I left SoCal, it took 2 1/2 hours to drive home and the whole way home, I...
  17. Aliaslucyvp

    Consolidated Kansas

    Ummmm...I think they were given to me in April/May. Not full sized yet.
  18. Aliaslucyvp

    Consolidated Kansas

    Two Speckled Sussex Two Brahmas (?) Rocket J. Squirrel, uh, Rooster - most jumpy chicken I've ever known! The Brahmas looked like Penguins when little. Any guesses? No idea about the rooster, he is thin and tall, but not as tall as the Brahma Roo.
  19. Aliaslucyvp

    Consolidated Kansas

    We have a Heinz variety of chickens. Since we have coyotes near, we lose one every so often, and my friend from work gives me her "leftovers"! Right now we have one Araucana - she has always been skittish and kinda scraggly, three Speckled Sussex, two Brahmas (I think that is what my friend...
  20. Aliaslucyvp

    Consolidated Kansas

    I live with my husband, four dogs (three dumped here and we rescued them), two cats, 9 chickens and 4 roosters (surprise!), and eight Guineas on a small airstrip southeast of Udall, KS. I work at the VA Medical Center in Wichita, KS, four days a week for 10hr each, so I can have three day...
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