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  1. TeeMom

    Consolidated Kansas

    Hey, fellow chicken-crazy Kansans! I have been MIA for several months now. Life is so good, but so busy. We did a huge amount of remodeling on our old farmhouse over the last year and between that and the regular animal chores and chasing 5 kids around, I just haven't had time to check in...
  2. TeeMom

    Consolidated Kansas

    Wow! Dr. Danz! That's amazing. Sending good thoughts and healing vibes. I am sure this healing process is super old for you. I don't sit still well either.
  3. TeeMom

    Consolidated Kansas

    That's too funny, @Trish44! Sneaky little gal! I'm sorry that you lost all but one, but I love momma's perseverance.
  4. TeeMom

    Consolidated Kansas

    @Trish44 Thank you so much! I am running a kid to school, but I will be PMing you later.
  5. TeeMom

    Consolidated Kansas

    Hey, everyone! It's been forever since I have been on. We have had a crazy busy summer. Anyway, I have some welsh harlequin drakes and one golden cascade I am looking to rehome and thought I would have the best luck on FB. I haven't been on FB for almost a year and logged on to find out that...
  6. TeeMom

    Consolidated Kansas

    That's so awful, Danz! Sending prayers. Please keep us posted...
  7. TeeMom

    Consolidated Kansas

    Definitely a hot spot! If you can shave or clip the hair around that area and clean it really well, Vetricyn as suggested will help too, it should clear up pretty well. Most often hot spots are a result of a flea allergy, but sometimes they can start as just a mild irritation that gets worse...
  8. TeeMom

    Consolidated Kansas

    I agree with @chicken danz ...I was a vet tech before I was mom and have monitored through hundreds of spay/neuter surgeries. Complications are extremely rare. There are always risks, of course, but this is a very routine procedure. I would ask your veterinarian if animals are monitored while...
  9. TeeMom

    Consolidated Kansas

    When you put it that way...the miniscule amount of poison a mouse would contain if eaten...that so makes sense! I'd just always accepted the "danger to predators" mantra that seems to accompany the poison method. Thank you...I will have to look into that further. I have thought about moving...
  10. TeeMom

    Consolidated Kansas

    I have a horrible mouse problem in my coop as well that started in just the last few months. I have food put away overnight and have done my best to keep everything as clean as possible (is a chicken coop ever really clean???), but they just continue to multiply. This last week or so when I...
  11. TeeMom

    Consolidated Kansas

    I agree about the marans. My current flock seems strong at the moment, but the loss of so many in one year has been a bit discouraging. Live and learn, I suppose. I have definitely researched mites and lice and still have yet to see anything. I don't have aspirations of being a chicken breeder...
  12. TeeMom

    Consolidated Kansas

    Leukosis is an interesting thought...I will have to dive into that a bit more. I have examined them very thoroughly for lice and mites and have never found anything on any of them. That being said, I have exactly zero experience with either, but was a vet tech for 10 years before I became mom...
  13. TeeMom

    Consolidated Kansas

    Yes...because of how poorly they have done. I'm just not comfortable with spreading the love. These are my thoughts exactly...which is why I haven't ever blamed the breeder. I don't know if it was something they picked up after they arrived or something they came home with. I purchased a...
  14. TeeMom

    Consolidated Kansas

    It's interesting because I got 16 speckled sussex chicks last summer from a breeder and have 1 left now. We did cull all of the cockerels last fall, but still to only have 1 left of more than half of the bunch is a pretty poor track record. I have worried that I brought something awful home...
  15. TeeMom

    Consolidated Kansas

    We eat and sell our eggs and they are never refrigerated or cleaned. Those eggs that come in dirty are the only ones that are washed, and then refrigerated, but we don't sell those. My husband takes the ones to sell to work and hasn't had any problems with people understanding about the lack of...
  16. TeeMom

    Consolidated Kansas

    I just had to share...we have our first home-hatched chickies as of this morning! Mamacita is one of our little blue Isbars and she has been sitting on a mix of eggs from our Marans, Isbars, Speckled Sussex and Barred Rocks. The roo is a blue Ameraucana. We have one of the Marans babies and...
  17. TeeMom

    Consolidated Kansas

    I would doubt that the snake in your house is a rattler, but nothing is impossible. Guineas were my first step into poultry craze. :) We started with 8 and after a year and a half they had dwindled to just 2. We got chickens about a month after we initially got the keets and they were all...
  18. TeeMom

    Consolidated Kansas

    I'm with you! I love to see snakes around, but aside from tiny little garter snakes, we don't see many here. That being said, my chickens and their eggs have never been threatened by them either.
  19. TeeMom

    Consolidated Kansas

    Cutest little guy!!! Good luck on the eggs...I haven't been brave enough to venture into the world of incubation yet.
  20. TeeMom

    Consolidated Kansas

    I am LOVING the country life! I never doubted that I would...I always felt like I didn't belong in the city. We are in the perfect location, just a mile and a half outside of our little town, so we hope to be here for a very long time. Our old house was built in 1902, so we have SO much work...
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