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  1. jhammett

    Consolidated Kansas

    well my girls are coming along I am up to 5 eggs a day.I have 9 pullets and 1 rooster Birds hatched out on February 24th. Rhode Island Reds and a cople Buff Orpingtons.
  2. jhammett

    Consolidated Kansas

    My birds were hatched on February 24th. they are Rhode Island Reds and Buff Orpingtons. I am not sure who layer the egg. ALSO NEW DEVELOPMENT... It appears I have at least one laying while sitting on the roost. I found 2 eggs this morning one busted open on the ground the other cracked open...
  3. jhammett

    Consolidated Kansas

    WOO HOO got my first egg yesterday and another today. I have 13 hens so one egg each day must be from an early bloomer???
  4. jhammett

    Consolidated Kansas

    I actually have an American Pony and he protects my chickens like they were his babies. He for goes his stall and sleeps in their coop and I often find chickens roosting on his back in the mornings. I have had to spray him off to start the day a few times but its his choiceI guess. Onlydown side...
  5. jhammett

    Consolidated Kansas

    Havent been on in awhile... Teaching Summer school is more demanding than the regular session believe it or not. Barely had time to feed the chickens. Of course I have also added 6 pigs to the little farm. Any how My girls hatched out of February 24th and so I feel that I may be getting close...
  6. jhammett

    Consolidated Kansas

    I think I may have thwarted a preadator attck last night. I was late feeding my goats (two kids on bottles... never again lol) My son and I went out around 9:45pm as we entered the barn we noticed the chickens all in a fuss. when i opened the door to the stall/coop all the chickens were up on...
  7. jhammett

    Consolidated Kansas

    Ok not sure if this is ok but I am throwing it out any way. I have a surplus of poultry syupplys and would be willing to part with some for reasonable prices: 3 - 3ft trough type feeders $10 each 2- 3 gal. waterers $10 each 2- Greattwall enclosures $20 each 2- Heat Lamps $5 each There is...
  8. jhammett

    Consolidated Kansas

    sounds good what do chicks sell for and how close to Wichita are you i am not from here so not familiar with the surrounding towns
  9. jhammett

    Consolidated Kansas

    thanks the pasture is fullof dandelions and various weeds. along with a variety of grass and even some alfalfa in patches. I am concerned about them wandering over to my garden area (they havent gone that far yet) I am going to get a barrel of crim corn/ milo today as i have goats and a pony and...
  10. jhammett

    Consolidated Kansas

    I am in Valley Center. I have RIR but am open to others not picky I am selling yard eggs at farmers market (or atleast that is the goal when they start laying. Americanas would add diversity but i have no preference
  11. jhammett

    Consolidated Kansas

    ok i am looking for some hatching eggs to start another flock. I have lost the number of the guy in garden plian where i got my last batch but remember someone on here used the sam guy. If you have a local source for hatching eggs please throw it out. I would like to start them as soon as possible.
  12. jhammett

    Consolidated Kansas

    would a mixe of Crim corn and milo be a good supplement to the free ranging? I had switched them to layer on the advice of my mom who does raise birds in Louisiana, but was told onhere it was too early for that. I am getting more confused everytime i read a post or ask a question seems there are...
  13. jhammett

    Consolidated Kansas

    can i just throw some corn/milo scrathc in the evenings in their coop for evening snacks?
  14. jhammett

    Consolidated Kansas

    ok i have decided to go ahead and free range my birds. They have n=been out in the pasture during the day all week and closed in the coop at dusk. I was told by my neighbor who has about 30 chickens freee ranging onhis place that he hasnt bought feed for his chickens in over a year that free...
  15. jhammett

    Consolidated Kansas

    actually 16x16 is 256 sq feet at 10 sq feet per bird and 20 birds that would only be 200 sq feet. so my run theoreticlly by your recomendation exceeds the need right? I did however this week start opening the run during the day and letting them "free Range" on my 5 acres. So far they are coming...
  16. jhammett

    Consolidated Kansas

    ok i switched to layer with my birds... it seems they are suddenly eating ALOT more. 50 lbs lasted 10 days. 20 birds??? is this right. Can I cut layer with crimm corn/milo mix to cut cost? right now the run is 16x16 so it will not support them food wise. planning on extending this summer. Thoughts?
  17. jhammett

    Consolidated Kansas

    SO HEChicken should I maybe take the Oyster Shell out for Now to limit the calcium intake. I read somewhere that I should introduce calcium a few weeks before laying starts to let it build up in the chickens. I may have gotten over zealous not sure. Also I love your coop and yard. How many birds...
  18. jhammett

    Consolidated Kansas

    So here are my 20 birds investigating the interesting dish of white stuff ( oyster shell). I thought that here at week 9 it might be a good time to start building calcium in prep for the coming eggs. You can see here how I got them out of my nesting boxes. They roost on the TOP of the barn stall...
  19. jhammett

    Consolidated Kansas

    Barn stall is 9X12. Phone CAmera is deceptive but they are only 4 days old under 10 pounds each id say. Thanks
  20. jhammett

    Consolidated Kansas

    Okay I know this is a CHICKEN SITE and I do have 20 birds and have gleened wonderful advice and information here so I thought id throw this out. My wife anbd I just bought 2 baby goats.. 5 days old and being bottle fed.We are in Valley Center Kansas and with the weather coming through I was...
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