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  1. QueenBubbles

    California - Northern

    What breed is the black & white speckled hen? My sister wants one like it :)
  2. QueenBubbles

    California - Northern

    Chicks being checked out by the Wheaties. It was a little cold in the shade, so put the light out too. I love the rabbit cages for chicks because I can use the top to let them be outside part of the day. Also I can put perches in the bars.
  3. QueenBubbles

    California - Northern

    I haven't posted in forever but with new chicks this year I've back on the site. These EE girls are 4 weeks old and first time out of the cage exploring. These littles also LOVE baby kale even more than mealworms. I have a video I'll try posting. Does anyone have a favorite trick for...
  4. QueenBubbles

    California - Northern

    Pretty boyz! Can't have any Roos, tho :(
  5. QueenBubbles

    California - Northern

    I heard Penny's egg song and ran out to see this beautiful minty egg laid right out in the open with all the chickens gathered round looking at it, too! After looking at posted anatomy pix above, I was feeling her intestines, which answers a lot of questions. Lol. Thanks again!
  6. QueenBubbles

    California - Northern

    Thank you so much, Ron!!! I'll back off and listen for the egg song and not worry her about it. Happy rainy day!!
  7. QueenBubbles

    California - Northern

    My EE has been POL for 6 days and had at least 2 egg masses move thru her but I can't find any eggs! Her cloaca is all large and mobile. No egg song, either. But I definitely felt the differences in her abdomen. Is there any rule of thumb about how long it takes to make an egg once they...
  8. QueenBubbles

    California - Northern

    Thank you ronott1- that is a huge help. I was wondering how to keep them on!
  9. QueenBubbles

    California - Northern

    Condolences for Omlette. It is a great name to be passed on.
  10. QueenBubbles

    California - Northern

    It Is interesting to know it does happen. I do make sure she gets a share and I'm looking for a scale so I can monitor her weight. Any suggestions?
  11. QueenBubbles

    California - Northern

    We have new blue light (day light range) street lights that are on all night. Messed up my front yard veggies (all growth, no fruit), but might be *great* for getting chickens to lay
  12. QueenBubbles

    California - Northern

    I have a question about pecking order and when to intervene. My BSL is at the bottom and always walks away from the food offerings first, like she isn't hungry and would rather forage but before the older ones come over, she scarfs the food. It seems like they hear her eating and come to...
  13. QueenBubbles

    California - Northern

    Such pretty boys!
  14. QueenBubbles

    California - Northern

    It's raining in Davis, too!! My chickens are staying in the coop and telling me it isn't light enough to venture out. @ronott1 hope the wife's healing goes better with the adjustments! OMG - I can't believe it's a real RAIN!!!!
  15. QueenBubbles

    California - Northern

    @Audio51 Honestly, I think she did get better on her own and not from my treatments. But those treatments (calcium, Vitamin D, dusting with DE) made ME feel better! And It was good to get more familiar with her anatomy - she would never let me feel around like that if she wasn't feeling so bad.
  16. QueenBubbles

    California - Northern

    UPDATE on EE, Penny: Sick pic: All better pic: I think she got into some nitrogen fertilizer as the shed door was open and there were a couple chicken poos in there. I'm very thankful for her quick recovery and that I had learned so much first aid stuff here so I had a plan. My parents were...
  17. QueenBubbles

    California - Northern

    Thanks for all the advice! I got some calcium in her and felt all around her butt feathers. It seems like her feathers have awfully long sheaths on her feathers like she isn't quite done molting. I identified her little hip bones (yeah, probably not correct name) and the soft tissue from...
  18. QueenBubbles

    California - Northern

    My 21 week EE is all puffed up, tail way down and lathargic today. She was a little slow yesterday but today it is obvious. I have brought her inside (isolated). Her crop is empty. I put some wet cat food in front of her and she did eat a few bits but otherwise is not interested in food or...
  19. QueenBubbles

    California - Northern

    Wow - that is scary! I think I would be running away rather than snapping a pic. It is an awesome shot, tho.
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