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  1. shanyalv


    Hey everyone I have been a bit MIA over the last few months, been communicating more via facebook with some people than checking in on here. I had a crappy visit today from the Code Enforcement people. I am actually on a R-E zoned property and previously was told that I was allowed to have...
  2. shanyalv


    Quote: Tumbleweed what kind of chicks are you looking for to replace the ones that you lost ? My daughter has a bunch that we have been raising to sell, I am also incubating right now but I don't have any room in the bator at the moment. You can get a LG one at the feed store for about 50-60.
  3. shanyalv


    Hello all and Happy Holidays, I am back in NY again for the winter break. Not really enjoying the cold and snow but the kids are of course. Spent the first Christmas ever with my family here and it was a wonderful one. Here are the kids and I enjoying the snow.
  4. shanyalv


    Still under construction My assortment of cute chickens and those ugly Frankenchickens. The last of the Silkies that we lost to the dogs. They love this lemon tree My kids DH and Our two Weims - Ghia and Valentino and our two Doxies - Helmut and Lincoln My layers
  5. shanyalv


    Eglyntine So sorry to hear about your Roo. My dogs got ahold of all of my silkies that we hatched and needless to say I have no more. I would gladly send you one of mine but our last Aussie roo became dinner because he was very aggressive with our chicks. SunnyDawn I have a photo somewhere...
  6. shanyalv


    Daegorn OMG down to 4 ... They are some stupid stupid chickens. I had one run after me and flip and die needless to say I processed him really quickly. I have a feeling this is the first and last time with the cornish crosses for me. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you to get some of...
  7. shanyalv


    I have lost a few birds here and there since starting this but this loss over the last week was HUGE for us. My daughter cried herself to sleep and was very upset by this all. I am making the mad push to get the big coop finished and a little more security for my babies now as my dogs are also...
  8. shanyalv


    Got another egg today so we are pretty happy. Best thing I have tasted in awhile. Sad part is my last silkie died today, this was the last of the silkies that I hatched from my first hatch ever. My DD is very upset as she was taking care of the last one in her bedroom. Does anyone know of...
  9. shanyalv


    I got two eggs today !!! I am still so lost as to how I can post pics but I did the happy dance all over the backyard with my gimpy self ( managed to sprain my ankle when the pig rammed me and then later on in the day I fell over some wood ) My big coop is almost done too which is really...
  10. shanyalv


    Hi All .. I have been afbyc for a bit, too much going on with building coops and taking care of the flock. Sadly today I lost two of my silkie chicks that I hatched back in October. I am pretty upset at the moment, they were my two favorite goldens and I think either the cat or my doxies ran...
  11. shanyalv


    Eglyntine - What I liked best about Welp is that the price at $1.56 includes shipping. For me it was a win win, I checked the pricing all over and with Shipping to Nevada it was the best price around and no extra charges for small box. I need to figure out how to put the photos on here. My...
  12. shanyalv


    Quote: Ron I already have them. I had one order last week and another this week too, they should be here tomorrow. I got Cornish Crosses from Welp and they were only like $1.56 each shipped with a min order of 25. Hope that your feeling better as well. aubreynoramarie Oh I am so so so...
  13. shanyalv


    Eglyntine oh I am so envious of your worms. I think I saw that you are selling some ? I would love to get some from you if you are still. I had a ton when I lived in California but when I moved I never bothered to try them again.
  14. shanyalv


    I just processed my first bird last night. Was the most interesting thing I have ever done. I was okay until the guts and then got a little lightheaded but now I figure that once I have done it once I can do pretty much anything when it comes to the birds. Got my first big order of Cornish...
  15. shanyalv


    EchetinoLove your coop ~ vegaschickohhh I emailed that one too. Like I really need any more chickens ! Considering I have an order of meaties coming in. SunnyDawn Beautiful eggs, One of these days my girls will start laying and I can get some eggs period. Thanks for your well wishes as...
  16. shanyalv


    Quote: Hi. Just out of curiosity, are you going to order eggs, or birds? I am going to order birds. Min order is 25 and the price goes down in higher quantities over 50. I am going to order straight runs and they are $1.56 each shipped which is not too bad considering some of the prices to...
  17. shanyalv


    Looks like I wont be freezing my rear off in NY for the winter after all. Heading home tomorrow and I have decided to raise some meaties over the winter ! Should be fun. Anyone else local ( Vegas ) do any meaties ? I am going to place an order for next week so if anyone else is interested in...
  18. shanyalv


    So sad right now. Looks like I may have to give up chicken farming for the time being. My grandmother is dying and I am in Ny at the moment to help sort out what is going on with her, My aunt is going through cancer treatments and my grandfather is in no shape to take care of things or to even...
  19. shanyalv


    So ... I have two little fuzzy butts right now and hopefully by the end of the night I will have at least 4 more !! I am so excited but of course I am leaving to go out of town once all of this starts !
  20. shanyalv


    Quote: Hi Genie, Jones tack and feed up on Rancho still has baby chicks, there is also a lady here locally that has some Buff Orpingtons for sale they are about 10 weeks old right now. I have 6 of them right now myself that I got from her, I think I may thin them out though too many of the...
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