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  1. Kanchii

    Not too bad updates on pg. 2

    Quote: Thanks for your concern, d_roo! Yes their food is in a bowl deep enough for her to scoop, though her beak isn't so crossed that she'd need to scoop it, I think. She's still the same size as the others, so I'm keeping an eye on her. Her eye is what worries me though, I can't get it open...
  2. Kanchii

    Not too bad updates on pg. 2

    Quote: I think she's doing the same for us as well, which is nice of her. I'm not positive though, Alyssa (silkieluvr) was the person in charge of this batch of silkies, she ordered them, ect. But she is on vacation, I'm house sitting for her, haha. They are very cute indeed, though! There...
  3. Kanchii

    Not too bad updates on pg. 2

    Unfortunately none of the eggs from Sassy Silkies hatched
  4. Kanchii

    Not too bad updates on pg. 2

    Poor lil bugger.... I can't wait to see them tomorrow and take care of them while your gone! And I hope we get a splash this time! I'll take loads of pictures for all our BYC friends and post them up by tomorrow night, hopefully!
  5. Kanchii

    Not too bad updates on pg. 2

    Woot woot! *does a victory dance* Can't wait to see its progress when I come over to your house in an hour!
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