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  1. Chicken Papa

    Post Pics of your Leghorns

    This is just the second day that ours have laid eggs. I figured maybe it takes a few days to get steady production from them. anyway, here are Dorothy, Rose and Blanche!
  2. Chicken Papa

    Post Pics of your Leghorns

    Only one egg yesterday after two on the first day. Is that normal? (3 hens)
  3. Chicken Papa

    Post Pics of your Leghorns

    They have really calmed down a lot lately. They now come up to us when we come out. It really is pretty cool to interact with them. My neighbors probably think I've flown the coop when they hear me out there talking to them. lol.
  4. Chicken Papa

    Post Pics of your Leghorns

    We finally got our first eggs yesterday! How many do leghorns lay a day? I have been told some breeds lay an egg in the morning and in the evening.
  5. Chicken Papa

    Post Pics of your Leghorns

    We have 3 beautiful white leghorn ladies. Dorothy, Rose and Blanche are almost 20 weeks old, yet to see the first egg. Hopefully soon! Will get some pics soon. They were very skittish for awhile but I have been spending a few minutes "chatting" with them when I feed them and they have calmed...
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