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  1. GrayDragon

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

    I have WHAT in my yard? : As for the definition of pagan: does pagan still cover ALL polytheistic religions today?? Would you call Hindis pagan?? I would not have, but I am open to the idea. In today's common parlance, a pagan is anyone whose beliefs are different. Thus, a Hindu in India...
  2. GrayDragon

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

    Quote: 1325–75; ME < ML, LL pāgānus worshiper of false gods, orig. civilian (i.e., not a soldier of Christ), L: peasant, n. use of pāgānus rural, civilian, deriv. of pāgus village, rural district (akin to pangere to fix, make fast); Religious sense is often said to derive from conservative...
  3. GrayDragon

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

    One would think extreme fundies of various ilks would be the most familiar with invincible ignorance. To continue the theme of 'pagan' inventions Cosmetics Chemistry Cheese Coffee Guns (actually invented by the Egyptians and called 'hand cannons' long before Europe took hold of the idea, and...
  4. GrayDragon

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

    Quote: Richard Carrier does a pretty good job of countering all Stark's falsehoods and historical revisionism, if you are interested in learning the actual history of the time periods in question. Of course, the reviews of the book you...
  5. GrayDragon

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

  6. GrayDragon

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

    Quote: This has been proven to be a falsehood on several occasions. And the killing of hundreds of thousands of innocents over the course of the 'burning times' is well documented history. As are the biblical scriptures used to justify what was done. Yes, sad to say, they were 'biblical'...
  7. GrayDragon

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

    Quote: *Stares blankly* Santa Claus is based on the actual Saint Nick, but was popularized in the mid-1800's by an atheist. Actually, much of the Saint Nick 'mythos' is based in large part on Odin.
  8. GrayDragon

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

    Quote: You've got your time lines mixed up considerably and you've mixed a considerably amount of fantasy and propaganda in with your history.
  9. GrayDragon

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

    Quote: Well, with the micro-brew movement, they have redeemed themselves a bit I forget who I am quoting, but it went something like this: When men took over the making of beer, they treated it as simple chemistry that could be quantified. And the beer suffered for this. It is only when...
  10. GrayDragon

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

    Quote: The making of beer used to be part of the household and thus the province of the woman. It is worth noting that the quality of beer suffered greatly when men took over it's creation
  11. GrayDragon

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

    Quote: Used to. When I get a greenhouse set up I will again. I don't have a good spot for it as a houseplant and it doesn't take the cold all that well. When I lived in CA I had it growing up the latticework on my front porch (back porch had passionflower). Smelled divine. Quote...
  12. GrayDragon

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

    Quote: Actually, the Romans were pretty patriarchal. They also had little to no tolerance of or respect for any way of life that wasn't Roman. Now the Gauls on the other hand were pretty matriarchal. There was a great BBC show called "Barbarians" that was hosted by Terry Jones. It's...
  13. GrayDragon

    Inventions To Thank Pagans For

    Beer Ale Wine Mead Grog Lager Vodka Hard Cider Booze Liquor Whiskey Rum Tequila Gin Not Champagne though, that was invented by monks.
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