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  1. Grumpypantsmomma

    Faverolles Thread

    Lost my Beautiful one eyed Salomon Faverolle hen today. My very First Faverolle ever, the one who really made me fall in love with her breed on my Birthday too! Today has been all around horrible but losing Molly was the Worst part of my Day. She wasn't even two, I miss her so much and I wasn't...
  2. Grumpypantsmomma

    Faverolles Thread

    You know I have had that experience too only difference is that the eggs were store bought. Yes it is very disgusting and disturbing that the eggs were that old and obviously they had not checked very carefully that there was a Roo in the bunch. I have a Rooster in every pen, all pets all named...
  3. Grumpypantsmomma

    Faverolles Thread

    Here is Faith she is molting very late and is the Roosters favorite girl, she was mad at me for shooing her off of the eggs but here she is she looked just like your chick when she was little but i can't find her baby pics. here she is now missing a a lot of feathers but you can see her color.
  4. Grumpypantsmomma

    Faverolles Thread

    They are Gorgeous, I Really want some now!
  5. Grumpypantsmomma

    Faverolles Thread

    Looks like a Girl to me! I had one feather out almost exactly like yours pictured here and for the longest time thought it was a boy, but she never crowed and laid an egg one day. You will probably see a little more of the darker colors come in. We just call ours a sport Fav because she came...
  6. Grumpypantsmomma

    Faverolles Thread

    I have more of this cross Due to hatch the day before Easter
  7. Grumpypantsmomma

    Faverolles Thread

    Even through they are not pure bred, what do you think of them? they were hatched March 11th from my EE Roo and Salmon Faverolle Hens!
  8. Grumpypantsmomma

    Faverolles Thread

    Do Faverolle crosses count? or do they have to be pure bred?
  9. Grumpypantsmomma

    Faverolles Thread

    Quote: You too!
  10. Grumpypantsmomma

    Faverolles Thread

    Quote: I pronounce it favor-oles as well don't know if its correct but thats what I call um!
  11. Grumpypantsmomma

    Faverolles Thread

    Anybody know what color she is? We thought she was a roo for the longest time because of the black but isn't she pushing 4 months in this picture! And her sister And here is molly our blind in one eye hen! And her is the chick that was supposed to be a light sussex but is a salmon Fav.
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