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  1. Nimueh Alene

    Faverolles Thread

    My Salomon Faverolles laid a egg... Lol. Tiny pullet egg but finally a egg! They are the sweetest birds but nothing a breeder would be proud of. Very timid birds. I love them but I am not going to try and get SOP with these or salmon Faverolles period. It's way beyond my skill. My quad will...
  2. Nimueh Alene

    Faverolles Thread

    Thank you. There are 10 eggs and I swear one has two in it!
  3. Nimueh Alene

    Faverolles Thread

    Tails good, beard so-so. Several hens have scatting of black feather's Nice round body shape look like football's. So my Best hope is good disposition and average egg layers. I'm going to Hope a couple are decent and go from there. Ill post pictures of the hatchlings and as they grow for you all...
  4. Nimueh Alene

    Faverolles Thread

    So can a hen and or rooster with poor beard, coloring still produce offspring with better quality or is it all down hill from there? I would post photos but they do not belong to me.
  5. Nimueh Alene

    Faverolles Thread

    I don't suppose you sell hatching egg's?
  6. Nimueh Alene

    Faverolles Thread

    Can you tell in Chicks if they'll have good muff development or do they aquire that as they grow?
  7. Nimueh Alene

    Faverolles Thread

    Thank you. I will send some photos.
  8. Nimueh Alene

    Faverolles Thread

    Hello! I just won some Salmon Faverolles hatching eggs on eBay. I was wondering what should I watch for so I'll have nice pretty birds like the pictures I see?
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