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  1. chickenbelle

    Faverolles Thread

    I have RIRs, too, and I thought they looked like that except the legs are very white and feathered. There's no telling who was the little sneaky fence jumper.
  2. chickenbelle

    Faverolles Thread

    I think they are all some type of EE. The darker is definitely not a cochin. I have several varieties of those. He is long and lanky and does have the cheek tufts. Cochins don't have those. Bummer! I'd hoped it was something cool happening here.
  3. chickenbelle

    Faverolles Thread

    Isn't that just insane? So now I have to figure out what they are. Side tufts, feathered legs...I suppose I'll be waiting for an egg to help.
  4. chickenbelle

    Faverolles Thread

    Yep, from the swap. We are working now to try to figure out what they are. Poor chicks are having an identity crisis.
  5. chickenbelle

    Faverolles Thread

    The white ones have what I would consider a small beard--none on the darker bird. The side tufts are also very minimal on the dark one. These were all fat, fluffy chicks with huge side tufts. I do trust who they came from so I am even more confused knowing there shouldn't have been a mix up.
  6. chickenbelle

    Faverolles Thread

    Okay. I have pics. I believe there were two roos and several hens--I am hoping they are not siblings. Here is what they look like:The larger of the three. His legs are just can't see it here. There are a few hints of black near the forewing. This is the only black on this...
  7. chickenbelle

    Faverolles Thread

    Is it just a recessive that shows up on occasion? Will two whites breed true white?
  8. chickenbelle

    Faverolles Thread

    No...I got them from a swap here on BYC. I trust that she sent me what she was supposed to. All of the eggs I've gotten from her are healthy and wonderful. I just don't know where the white came from.
  9. chickenbelle

    Faverolles Thread

    I will snap some this evening. I have just been watching how they've grown out thinking to myself, "What in the world? Where did those two white guys come from?" LOL It's just odd that they colored that way. Be looking this evening--I'll try to get them on before 8. I'd be interested to...
  10. chickenbelle

    Faverolles Thread

    Hello Faverolle friends! I am sure it has been discussed before, but there are 1300 pages in this thread and I couldn't directly find the answer I was looking for. I hatched 3 faverolles from some shipped eggs. All were born exactly alike--that beautiful golden color. They are now almost 7...
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