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  1. shelleyd2008


    Okay, red mentioned the intelligence required with her parents allowing her to be near a 100' cliff and being a klutz...I'd like to know what CityGirl's excuse is? If you know you are clumsy, what would posess you to be in trees? Or in a lift that goes 25' in the air?
  2. shelleyd2008


    Glad your okay redhen!!
  3. shelleyd2008


    I hope she's all right!
  4. shelleyd2008


    You should still get it checked out....
  5. shelleyd2008


    If you hit your head that hard, I would go to the ER and get a cat-scan. You could have seriously injured yourself, and just not know it. Just because you had your hair put up doesn't mean your brain didn't get scrambled Please, please, please go to the ER and get checked out, just to be...
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