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  1. Canieldonrad

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    This is exactly why I stopped coming to Backyard Chickens, people want nothing but to create conflict. Breed your birds, if you don't agree with another breeder then mind your own business and don't use their birds for your matings. Don't come here trying to stir up a swarm of hornets. No...
  2. Canieldonrad

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    Id dare say he is refering to things like Sodium Nitrite. The stuff that keeps meat red after processing. As well as various other preservatives for flavor, smell, etc. I honestly have never fed something to my birds other than bagged poultry feed and fruits/vegetables. But I don't see a can of...
  3. Canieldonrad

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    Well sodium is a pretty vital nutrient, and if your birds range they likely don't get a significant amount outside of their feed. Sodium is used for several body functions and a chicken's body functions at a faster, more active rate than a human's. I would be willing to say if you are afraid...
  4. Canieldonrad

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    It is likely that the chicks are full brothers/sisters. But it would depend on the level of capacity the hatchery keeps for that particular breed. For instance I have seen in the videos of Cackle that they keep a pretty good size flock of birds in their Buckeye breeding pen. It would be best...
  5. Canieldonrad

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    Color is a good thing to have, but keep type in mind. Better type is always going to trump color. Especially as the standard only states "should."(I'm just going to regurgitate Chris' words but that is truly how I feel as well). You can take type and work with the color easily. But its a...
  6. Canieldonrad

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    Have an unusually large buckeye chick, noticably larger than the other chicks. Eats a lot, usually sleeping in or near the feed. The chicks are about 2 weeks old and he barely has his wing feathers, where as most have tails and a few breast feathers already. My past experience is telling me...
  7. Canieldonrad

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    Could very easily be a sport, happens to a lot of color varieties. Especially so with a history of the buff color being used in the original birds. In birds with multiple colors you don't see a lot of chicks with wing feathers of a uniform color. They should all look like the second bird...
  8. Canieldonrad

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    About what size leg bands are recommended for Adult Large Fowl Buckeyes?
  9. Canieldonrad

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    Heh, I wouldn't name culls. Not unless they had a unique trait to keep as a pet separate from the rest of the flock. Lothario would ideally be the name of main breeding rooster. Because I mean, come on, who wouldn't want to name their breeder after that famous character from Don Quixote.
  10. Canieldonrad

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    Wondering if any of you name your birds. Or if you just refer to them by leg band. I never made it much of a point to name my birds as a kid but I really want to have a couple of Roosters and name one Lothario. Figured with feeding them high protein starter I would jokingly name one Zyzz but...
  11. Canieldonrad

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    29 chicks, lil ******** already ruined the water. They were only in the box an hour and its already the consistency of oatmeal! To clear up, the one is not blonde. We had to use 2 low watt bulbs when we first got them, so they hung low and made the chicks look that way.
  12. Canieldonrad

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    Alright everyone, I'm working on a coop. Trying to decide something. Would it be crossing the line to match a paint to a buckeye nut?
  13. Canieldonrad

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    Most scales will work in my opinion. What you would want to do ideally is place the bird into an enclosure(cat cage), weigh the bird in the container, then weigh the container and subtract the weight of the container. You may want to use a scale you can calibrate to the weight of the container.
  14. Canieldonrad

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    It has been a while since the show, and I can't really recall if any others had birds there. But I'm wondering if anyone else had one of these. This plaque is one of the many reasons I have taken interest in getting back into Buckeyes.
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