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  1. Echoinghills

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    Thank You!!!! LOL I will post more pics later on here... like i said, the outcross pullets and cockeral i just got were picked pretty bad... right at the base of the tail and up the back.. they dont look as good as my others! They are abit younger also, so they have some growing up and...
  2. Echoinghills

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    Thank You!! I had problems getting the pullet's pic on, but got it finally. LOL I love the buckeyes..they are super friendly, love to be picked up and cuddled. Such great personality!!! My kids love them.
  3. Echoinghills

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    I just found this thread, had no idea there was a Buckeye thread!!! My Buckeyes are out of Duane Urch's line, and Jeff Lay. Young Cockeral just starting to crow/breed now~Jeff Lay/Urch. Pullet~Duane Urch line
  4. Echoinghills

    Buckeye Breed Thread

    Quote: A change in feed will definitely do that, especially if the new feed doesn't contain any animal protein. In my experience, especially with Buckeyes, chickens need a source of animal protein, soy just doesn't cut it. You may wish to either: a) increase their space, they may be too...
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