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  1. gritsar

    Wildsky, c'mere! Over here! Closer!

    Quote: Hes been moved to a top secret location.. your hubby's not gonna like that one little bit! What her hubby don't know won't hurt him.
  2. gritsar

    Wildsky, c'mere! Over here! Closer!

    Quote: Poor Mike. I doubt it.. Just a friendly reminder - you need to fix your sig. now that I helped you get Mike back.
  3. gritsar

    Wildsky, c'mere! Over here! Closer!

    Quote: Last time I saw him he was in her basement, but she may have moved him to her walk in safe for added security. He's probably in there counting all her bars of gold.
  4. gritsar

    Wildsky, c'mere! Over here! Closer!

    Quote: Now I have this mental picture of you with tiny T-Rex type arms, trying to type with your overlarge head.
  5. gritsar

    Wildsky, c'mere! Over here! Closer!

    Quote: What is your problem little man?!? ETA: By the way, where's the "perfectly good thread"?? I must have missed it.
  6. gritsar

    Wildsky, c'mere! Over here! Closer!

    Quote: Don't cry. I'll tape a bunch of Dirty Jobs reruns to send to you.
  7. gritsar

    Wildsky, c'mere! Over here! Closer!

    Quote: lol. and whos gonna bale u out of jail when u get charged for kidnap? XD We don't really kidnap more take him on his request drive really fast and set him free some where. He BELONGS with redhen. They go together like a hand and glove, peanut butter and jelly, ham on a country hog...
  8. gritsar

    Wildsky, c'mere! Over here! Closer!

    Quote: I'd explain, but it would take all night.
  9. gritsar

    Wildsky, c'mere! Over here! Closer!

    Quote: A nap? At this time of night? No way! I'm just getting cranked up for my day. What will you be doing at 4 AM? Heading out the door to work. Work? Just the word makes me want to take a nap! Did wildsky put mike back where he belongs yet?
  10. gritsar

    Wildsky, c'mere! Over here! Closer!

    Quote: And Take ANOTHER nap. A nap? At this time of night? No way! I'm just getting cranked up for my day. What will you be doing at 4 AM?
  11. gritsar

    Wildsky, c'mere! Over here! Closer!

    Quote: who's Chip? Chip is ugly - don't worry about him Red - now if I send Mike back, are you going to spoil him again? You need to make the man work a little and pick up after you, do your dishes and such... Chip is not ugly! He's got a good heart and it shines thru. 'Course if he...
  12. gritsar

    Wildsky, c'mere! Over here! Closer!

    Quote: Sorry, but Am I the only woman that thinks Chip Foose is hot?!?
  13. gritsar

    Wildsky, c'mere! Over here! Closer!

    Quote: Hey! I ain't fighting over him. He does absolutely nothing for me - probably cuz I've never seen him in a cop's uniform before - I just can't believe that wildsky would have the audacity to steal him from Miz Red.
  14. gritsar

    Wildsky, c'mere! Over here! Closer!

    You give Mike back to Miz Red (redhen) right now young lady before I send you to your coop!
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