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  1. gsim

    Chickens won't go thru entrance hole in floor....

    I built mine and did a slope of 4:1 outside and 3:1 inside. They took to it like it was nothing new. They pretty much ignore the one inside tho, preferring to hop up to their 24" height nests. When I did mine, I put the cleats every 4" on a piece of recycled pr treated deck board. I have...
  2. gsim

    Chickens won't go thru entrance hole in floor....

    Lynne P may have something there. Could be the darkness. Try coaxing them to the bottom of the ramp with treats and then let them see you scattering them at top . Reverse procedure in AM. All mine have to do is just to SEE the treat bowl or scoop and they are all over me, on my arms...
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