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  • I realize I'd have to line the entire greenhouse with hardwire, thus the biggest expense. ... I would appreciate your thoughts... I am in south jersey now.. but have 15 acres in Roan Mountain, plan on building there in 3 years and it would be nice to make something lighter like a greenhouse that I could bring with me. :) Lov your profile pic!
    I would love to use 4' tall pallets top by another 3' of hoop-house, including roof, or just a plane green house made with 6mil plastic and cattle panels or pac, but do not see how an electric wire of fence would keep a fox from tearing in without hardwire, and since my entire flock will be in here, I want the odds greatly my favor
    As far a the fox go - the spaces in the pallets can be over to inches and I'm sure somewhere I miss will be big enough to let a fox in. I'm burying hardwire 18" out. In your experience, do you think the electric fence will keep the fox out if I enclose it? Do you think I can get I get away with 2 strands?..
    I wanted to keep cost down and labor easy.... hard combo. lol. I cannot afford that much hardwire and have fox and many other pred. in area. So I'm thinking inexpensive chicken wire over the inside of pallets (or the outside if we line the interior with something easier to wash like linoleum scraps with ventilation of course))...
    Hi gsim. I'm following up on your incredible predator proof 2000 sq ft area. I am looking to do the same but do not think my buddy can handle all that.. I bet you sleep well at night though :) I have access to free pallets, not very goods with labor.. I want to put together a 2000 sq ft "barn" with the pallets, cover them with clear panels and over winter my flock.
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