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  1. WriterofWords

    He's a handsome little guy but what is he? New Pics #25

    Well he's going to have to have a name now I guess,,,, my little frizzle/sizzle ladies started laying and he's the roo of the moment!
  2. WriterofWords

    He's a handsome little guy but what is he? New Pics #25

    Your Nugget is very handsome! They do have very similar coloring on their hackles too.
  3. WriterofWords

    He's a handsome little guy but what is he? New Pics #25

    Boy, he's a conundrum that's for sure I guess!
  4. WriterofWords

    He's a handsome little guy but what is he? New Pics #25

    Awwwww poor guys gonna get a complex!
  5. WriterofWords

    He's a handsome little guy but what is he? New Pics #25

    His head has always been to big for his body, even when he hatched. Do you think that is because one parent is a Bantam and one a Standard?
  6. WriterofWords

    He's a handsome little guy but what is he? New Pics #25

    I'm not familiar with Wyandotte's, I'll have to look them up.
  7. WriterofWords

    He's a handsome little guy but what is he? New Pics #25

    After being brought in for his photo shoot, when I went out to feed he put his little wing down at me, danced and then ran into the broody house!
  8. WriterofWords

    He's a handsome little guy but what is he? New Pics #25

    With the help of my assistant,,,, better pics of his face! His comb and wattles: Body Shot:
  9. WriterofWords

    He's a handsome little guy but what is he? New Pics #25

    I'm going to get a better shot of him today I hope, up close and personal!
  10. WriterofWords

    He's a handsome little guy but what is he? New Pics #25

    His head doesn't look like it belongs on him does it?
  11. WriterofWords

    He's a handsome little guy but what is he? New Pics #25

    I'm wracking my brain trying to think of who I got his egg from!! I haven't gotten many this year so it shouldn't be this hard!
  12. WriterofWords

    He's a handsome little guy but what is he? New Pics #25

    I don't know, but he's starting to act like a little roo though and it's so cute, He grabs someone's head and tows her around the pen,, then lets go.
  13. WriterofWords

    He's a handsome little guy but what is he? New Pics #25

    He is the same age as the Frizzles/Sizzles behind him, they hatched together in June or July.
  14. WriterofWords

    He's a handsome little guy but what is he? New Pics #25

    He has feathers like a Silkie, very soft and pretty, but only 4 toes.
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