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  1. Sonoran Silkies

    Silkies 101 - 20 of the most common Silkie questions...

    Quote: Yes, it makes sense. I have never been to a chicken show, so I don't know what amount of "prep" is allowed. In AKC some breeds forbid the use of baby powder etc... can't even trim a whisker! What is born is how it is supposed to be shown, other than a bath, blow out and brushing. Even...
  2. Sonoran Silkies

    Silkies 101 - 20 of the most common Silkie questions...

    Thus my dilemma. Needs to be a dark mahogany bird--I don't know any other breeds that are that dark a red. The bantams are supposed to be nicer birds than the largefowl, and there are rose combed ones, so comb isn't an issue.
  3. Sonoran Silkies

    Silkies 101 - 20 of the most common Silkie questions...

    I know the formula--lavender (two copies) plus red (as in a SQ RIR). I know where I can get bantam SQ RIR (a breeder in my local club is or recently was the RIR club president)--it's just deciding if I want to try it out or not. As with all things lavender, it takes two geneations to get...
  4. Sonoran Silkies

    Silkies 101 - 20 of the most common Silkie questions...

    SOY lowers fertility. Add some animal protein--cat food, dog food, leftover steak tuna fish, etc. It isn't the scratch itself, but the lower protein level, and any soy, if present.
  5. Sonoran Silkies

    Silkies 101 - 20 of the most common Silkie questions...

    Quote: In all of your assorted breeding projects, what colors HAVEN'T you had? Red just showed up from my buffs--it wasn't a project. Somehow they missed out on the dilution genes The only pink ones I've had were from koolade; but I heard of a theory on how to bred a pink chicken. I'm...
  6. Sonoran Silkies

    Silkies 101 - 20 of the most common Silkie questions...

    I have had a couple of reds. They really look nothing like a dark buff--think of the colour of a New Hampshire.
  7. Sonoran Silkies

    Silkies 101 - 20 of the most common Silkie questions...

    I think there is a big difference in plucking a feather or even two versus plucking a whole bunch. And then how about plucking when they have plenty of time to grow back, hopefully correctly? Now if you were to take dye or paint and meticulously paint a lace around the rim of each feather so...
  8. Sonoran Silkies

    Silkies 101 - 20 of the most common Silkie questions...

    2005 Bantam Standard, pg 203, Blue Plumage: Disqualifications: "Red, yellow, orange or positive white in any section of the plumage."
  9. Sonoran Silkies

    Silkies 101 - 20 of the most common Silkie questions...

    Quote: No. Points deduction probably, but not a DQ. No, foreign colour is considered a DQ. If you pluck it several weeks before the show the feather will have a chance to regrow, and may well come in properly coloured. Edited to add, but as Chris said, it may regrow in the same incorrect...
  10. Sonoran Silkies

    Silkies 101 - 20 of the most common Silkie questions...

    Quote: Suze's kitchen table.... bring a pot of coffee, I'm sure she can teach you A LOT! Just let's be sure to invite Henk, David & Tim. Then we can ALL learn. For reading a good old fashioned book, get Genetics of Chicken Colours (ordering information is at, or PM or...
  11. Sonoran Silkies

    Silkies 101 - 20 of the most common Silkie questions...

    Quote: Sorry. I disagree with this one. The outer "coat" is technically NOT down, and it doesn't provide any extra insulation. Yes, I realize we disagree here. Something doesn't have to be "technical" to have the same properties; thus my difference of opinion.
  12. Sonoran Silkies

    Silkies 101 - 20 of the most common Silkie questions...

    Quote: No, it is not manufactured. A good quality Silkie should possess a good amount of natural shredding in the wing and tail feathers. And it is possible to make a not so shredded wing look more shredded by using a flea comb or wire slicker brush. As to whether or not it is considered...
  13. Sonoran Silkies

    Silkies 101 - 20 of the most common Silkie questions...

    Quote: I visit with my Silkies every night when they're on the roost (mine roost via a ladder). They feel just like a plush down comforter. Aren't feathers without barbicels essentially... down? It seems like the air-trapping, insulating properties of down would be great for tolerating extra...
  14. Sonoran Silkies

    Silkies 101 - 20 of the most common Silkie questions...

    Quote: Where there is a will, there is a way. A tiny little bird can fertilize a large standard. That's how I have gotten a silkieXbrahma and a silkieXorpington. Both moms were considerably larger than large-fowl EEs.
  15. Sonoran Silkies

    Silkies 101 - 20 of the most common Silkie questions...

    Quote: Actually, breeding black to blue will never get you splash. If it does, your "black" bird is not actually black, but rather a very dark blue.
  16. Sonoran Silkies

    Silkies 101 - 20 of the most common Silkie questions...

    Quote: Hard feathers and silkie feathers are NOT antinyms. Feathers are hard or soft, silkied or not silkied. Every bird will be one of each of these. Gamebirds have hard feathers; crossed to a silkie (for at least two generations) they can be hard and silkied. Cochins and brahmas have...
  17. Sonoran Silkies

    Silkies 101 - 20 of the most common Silkie questions...

    Quote: This is why breeding birds requires advanced knowledge of genetics. I cannot accurately answer your question, and it will probably be better addressed by Suze, but I dont think red to red works the same way. Most probably, a red to red breeding will yield solid red offspring. Should.
  18. Sonoran Silkies

    Silkies 101 - 20 of the most common Silkie questions...

    Quote: No, the genetics are entirely different. Blue is the heterozygous state of a single gene. Splash is the homozygous state of the gene. In either one or two copies, the blue gene dilutes all black pigment in the feathers to some degree. Red, however is the result of a group of genes...
  19. Sonoran Silkies

    Silkies 101 - 20 of the most common Silkie questions...

    Quote: Mature breeding birds have no regards for the specific breeds, or size, of potential mates. Your standard sized EE rooster will most probably try to mate with anything resembling a chicken that is of the female persuasion. Which could include a rabbit or guinea pig!--Or the rabbit of...
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