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  1. Cindiloohoo

    Urgent prayer request My best friend was in a wreck! **UPDATED**

    Quote: She will too not so lucky there either.
  2. Cindiloohoo

    Urgent prayer request My best friend was in a wreck! **UPDATED**

    b.hromada : Just read the post(s), so glad that she will be fine! Thats soooo scary. How wonderful of you to care for her kids also. Keep us posted when she comes home. She's home now, and doing good. The meds just make her very She's tough though. We've done been...
  3. Cindiloohoo

    Urgent prayer request My best friend was in a wreck! **UPDATED**

    Quote: Yeah it is horrible! They were just pulling themselves back above water and now this. They are trying SO hard!! They literally live in one room of their house and heat it with a portable propane heater to save money this winter and last. All that hard work of scrimping and trying their...
  4. Cindiloohoo

    Urgent prayer request My best friend was in a wreck! **UPDATED**

    Quote: They had neither health NOR auto insurance!! Another victim of this cruddy economy unfortunately. They can't afford either, and she has been working 2 jobs lately just to make ends meet. That's why I asked for further prayers for them. It's been a long couple of years financially, and...
  5. Cindiloohoo

    Urgent prayer request My best friend was in a wreck! **UPDATED**

    She made it home folks! I'll be cooking for the family for the next few weeks until she can manage a little on her own without pain meds. Surgery yesterday went good. No cast for the arm, just a bunch of pins. She took 20 something stitches, and a dozen or so staples to her head and face. She...
  6. Cindiloohoo

    Urgent prayer request My best friend was in a wreck! **UPDATED**

    Praise God!!! It is just a concussion!! She has to have surgery on her arm either today or tomorrow. She will be getting pins to set it and keep it in place. It was crushed pretty badly. The kids have just left to go to their aunts house to stay until she gets home from the hospital. Everybody...
  7. Cindiloohoo

    Urgent prayer request My best friend was in a wreck! **UPDATED**

    Thanks all! I'm so worried. I haven't heard hardly anything!! Does anybody know why she wouldn't be able to answer simple questions? That's concussion right? I expect that, I just hope it's not something worse. I don't know if that's unusual or not with concussions...?? SHE called me first, but...
  8. Cindiloohoo

    Urgent prayer request My best friend was in a wreck! **UPDATED**

    My best friend was in a car wreck around 6 this afternoon. She slid off the road on some ice. Her arm is broken above the elbow, and her face is very swollen. She hit her face on the steering wheel. At the moment she is being airlifted to another larger local hospital for overnight observation...
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